This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This Module is abandoned. If you need this functionality, create a new block on your site, place it into the footer of your page and add the required code directly into it with the "Full HTML" filter!

Small module to inject the statistics fetcher for the PHP WebStat tool. This module just injects the statistics fetcher code, it does not do any inclusion of the statistic tool/view itself. You have to handle the download and installation of PHP WebStat yourself, aside from Drupal in another folder.


After installing, you need to configure this module in order to make it work together with PHP WebStat. There are two settings: The first one switches the collection of statistics on and off, the second one is the path where to find the statistics.

What it does specifically:

This module inserts the following code just before the tag at the bottom of each page:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript><img src="" border="0" alt="" width="1" height="1"></noscript>

The second option in the administration exchanges the link "" of the previous code.

Project information
