The project provide a content type that leverages Drupal 8's core media capabilities to create photo albums to include in your site.

Each album is a single content node with multiple media entity references, and the module also provides a view driven page to pull the albums together. Each album can also be protected with a password if you so choose.

Passwords are created by the module using a two-way hashing algorithm, the encryption key and method for which you can define in your site's settings.php file, as such:

$settings['two_way_hashing_key'] = '-key goes here-';
$settings.php['two_way_hashing_method'] = 'aes-256-ctr';

The key length must be appropriate to the method you choose, and you can choose any method supported by OpenSSL (see PHP command openssl_get_cipher_methods).

It is recommended that under your site's Configuration > Media > Media Settings that you turn off access to the media entities via their stand alone URLs, otherwise images in a protect album will be individually accessible.

This project has dependencies on the following:

Menu UI (core)
Node (core)
User (core)
Media (core)
Media Library (core)
Field Group
Focal Point

Project information
