Provides click & drag for checkboxes on the permissions page to administer permissions faster.

Lightweight Drupal 8 alternative to Fast permissions administration (FPA) module.

Implements the wonderful Drag Check JS library fron @scarlac: for the permissions matrix page.



Manual installation

  1. Download and extract scarlac's drag-check-js library (master) to the "libraries" folder (/libraries), named "drag-check-js". This folder for example should contain a "dist" folder as direct subfolder.
  2. Download and enable this module
  3. Open the permission administration admin/people/permissions and use like described at "How to use"
  4. Done! Happy using!

Composer installation

Add this to your "repositories" section:

      "type": "package",
      "package": {
        "name": "scarlac/drag-check-js",
        "version": "2.0.2",
        "type": "drupal-library",
        "dist": {
          "url": "",
          "type": "zip"

and then
composer require scarlac/drag-check-js drupal/permissions_dragcheck


How to use:

  • Simply click & drag on a checkbox to check multiple checkboxes at once.

Optional integration with "Permissions filtered by modules"

Optionally you may want to use the module whichs adds a lightweiht filter by module to the permissions overview.

Development proudly sponsored by German Drupal Friends & Companies:

webks: websolutions kept simple (
DROWL: Drupalbasierte Lösungen aus Ostwestfalen-Lippe (OWL), Germany (

Supporting organizations: 
proudly developed this module for the Drupal Community!

Project information
