pdb 2.0.0

New features

First release for version 2


Issues: 3 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.x-1.0:

pdb 2.x-dev

Bug fixes
New features

Dev release for new 2.x version.

pdb 8.x-1.0-alpha6

Bug fixes
New features

Upgrades Angular2 to 2.2.0, other bug fixes and improvements. Adds ability to extend system config for ng2 from your component info.yml files.

pdb 8.x-1.0-alpha5

Bug fixes
New features

Upgrades Angular 2 from RC3 --> 2.1.1.

README.txt has been updated, and known issues are documented on github.

pdb 8.x-1.0-alpha4

New features

Lots of cleanup and small fixes, and the addition of a gulpfile.

Gulp tasks:

- Clean --> Removes compiled js and js.map files
- Precompile --> Offline template precompiling, this task is experimental and not full functional
- Compile --> This task compiles all ts files into js.
- Watch --> This tasks watches our ts directories and automatically compiles to js when something changes.

pdb 8.x-1.0-alpha1

New features

This release includes the update to Angular 2 RC1 from beta.

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