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A button field attachable to any entity. The button fires the paystack payment dialog box. On successful payment, you can fire any rule using the rules event "after successful payment "shipped with the module.

Paystack requires the secret and public keys. The module provides a configuration page to add the keys at admin/config/user-interface

#How to use

=> Install as you would install any module
=> Add a field of the type paystack payment field
=> Configure the field as normal, ensure you enter the machine name of the amount field in the space provided.
=> Save, and you should see the button on the entity view display.

#Integration with webform module
Still under development.

Note: only logged in user can use the button directly because email is required. A link is provided instead for anonymous user to register first. .

If all you need is a donate module, you may want to try the paystack donate module instead

Project information
