This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This project have been abandoned. Paypal payment is the successor of this project.

This module implements paypal payment methods
to use with the payment module.

It deals with :

- Paypal Website Payment Pro (WPP) integration
with direct payment method.
- Paypal Website Standard (WPS) integration
with express checkout method.

Both of these payment methods only deal with single direct sale.
So it doesn't support :

- multiple payments
- recurring payment
- authorization and capture

It integrates views by providing relationship between
payment and transaction paypal (data returned by paypal server).


  • Have openSSL loaded and enabled
  • Install and enable payment module (at least 1.0-beta3)
  • For WPP method, install and enable payment credit card


Makina Corpus

Project information
