Here is my basic info.

a contenty type with serveral cck field. let's name this contenty type fruit.
for this fruit content type, there are two vocabulary attach to it.

the structure of the vocabulary like below :
vocabulary location:

vocabulary type:
--sub type 1
--sub type 2

the pathauto patterns for fruit type is "[termpath-raw]/[title-raw].html";
If I use node_save to create new node, the path will only like below:
the pattern[termpath-raw] seems not work.

however if edit the node with edit form, and select the "Generate automatic URL alias", it will repair the url to the correct one .

my drupal version is drupal 6.26 and the token version is 6.x-1.18

Thank you.


Dave Reid’s picture

You would need to do some debugging in the hook_token_values() implementation to see what kind of format of data they expect. There is some weirdness with Drupal 6's taxonomy data expected to be in a certain way.

zterry95’s picture


Below is my solution for this issue.

Pls pay attention to the code.
I execute it every time I have saved a node with node_save api, and it generate the correct path.