I've installed the pageroute module but in the add page form there are only the following options:
- Node display (pageroute)
- Node adding form (pageroute)
- Node editing form (pageroute)
- User editing form (pageroute)

I'd like to use pageroute for creating new user account but, selecting "user editing form", the pageroute sends to the current user edit page, there isn't the possibility to create a new account.

Am I doing something wrong?


FiNeX’s picture

Category: feature » support
tonyoconnell’s picture

I have the same problem... anyone have an answer?

Balbo’s picture

I'm assuming Pageroute cannot be used during registration (when a new user is going to be created). Is that right?
In Drupal 5 it could be used combined with node-profile. How can i replicate that behavior?

mrfelton’s picture

Perhaps you want to look at http://drupal.org/project/profile_setup ?

bkno’s picture

Priority: Normal » Minor

If you want to create a user account this doesn't need to be a step in pageroute. If your first step requires the user to be authenticated then it will display the permission denied (403) message - just add the login form to this page. You can add make the 403 page a login (with register tab) using an option in LoginToboggan.

So what happens is:

1) User tried to see protected page, sees login form
2) After login/registration, user is automatically sent back to attempt the route they couldn't access before

Hardrocker’s picture

That defeats the entire purpose. A user should never have to see a 403 error. I've tried with this module and I'm a few mins away from giving up on it. Was trying to setup multistep form earlier and my browser crashed resulting in the deleting of my superuser account as well as a few other accounts. Even though the concept of this module is great its not worth the headache.

Darthfuzzy’s picture

Did anyone ever figure this thing out? I'm attempting to set it up but the Account Information is never displayed. The "submit" button never shows up, and it never operates correctly.

I just want a simple sign up that works EXACTLY like this: http://drupalsn.com/sign-up

But I'm about to throw this thing out the window.

nmudgal’s picture

To make it exactly look like drupalsn.com/sign-up, you will need few more modules like profile_setup to replace default registration with the route path you have created using pageroute module, may be content_profile [if you don't want to use profiles module].
After creating a route, you will need to add a page type "User editing form (pageroute)" & choose category from what you have made using profile module & give path accordingly.
For e.g. it will be like, if you create a route with path "register" so it will be example.com/register & then your added pages will be example.com/register/account_settings etc.
Hope it makes sense.

hixster’s picture

Here's an awesome tutorial on making a multi step registration process http://shvetsgroup.com/blog/multistep-registration-form-drupal%C2%A06