First, let me say that this module addresses what I see as a critical need in Drupal. So many of us are working on content management systems that have multiple, related content types, and it's very hard to create a user-friendly system that handles those relationships seamlessly for non-technical users. This module seems to address those concerns in a viable manner. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like this issues forum is very active. I sincerely hope that more folks find the module and get involved.

On to my issue. What I am trying to do is create a wizard for managing Board Meetings for a nonprofit organization. I don't want to reinvent the wheel, so if anyone knows of such a creature, please let me know. I would have thought that someone would have created such a thing already.

Anyway, here's my approach.

First, Board members submit proposed agenda items This is a simple Drupal functionality that essentially lies outside of what I see as the Drupal meeting agenda wizard.

Then, the meeting organizer (Board President in my case) follows these steps:

  1. "Creates" a new board meeting.
  2. Adds agenda items to the board meeting from the pool of proposed agenda items described above, setting some additional information, such as time allotted, for each item added. (This is, obviously, a many-to-many table between board meeting and proposed agenda items, since a given proposed agenda item can be taken up on multiple board meetings.
  3. Arranges the order of agenda items, which I hope to make drag and drop.

After (or during) the board meeting, the Board Secretary performs these functions:

  1. Adds additional information to the scheduled agenda items (Step 2 above) such as discussion and conclusions.
  2. Adds action items to the scheduled agenda items, a one-to-many relationship.
  3. Adds additional information to the base board meeting node, such as general discussion, persons present, etc.
  4. Sets the status of the board meeting to closed so that the assemblage of related nodes is frozen as the minutes of the meeting.

Obviously, this is an ambitious undertaking, but one that I hope isn't beyond the capabilities of Drupal and pageroute (if indeed, pageroute is the appropriate approach). Unfortunately, while I have fairly good database design skills and PHP coding skills, my Drupal development skills are very, very limited. Any ideas or suggestions that you might have are most welcome.

My support questions is this:

Is there any way to filter the displayed content on a node management or any other page. For instance, on my node management page to add/edit/delete the basic board meeting info, I don't want to show board meetings that have a status of closed, i.e., the minutes have been completed and approved. (The status is set manually.) Without such a filter and without the ability to sort on that page, it would become excessively lengthy and unwieldy.