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This module allows you to change (uneditable) settings for fields.

Please don't use this module unless you know what the hell is this module does which I'm NOT sure about 100% ,, so I'd recommend using it in stage/dev/local environment until you are sure about it.

So if you are in board about this complete on.

What exactly this module does?:
Most of us (Drupalers) know that all fields has this SQL length settings which can NOT be edit anymore when you have data in that field ,, so what if you came across a request of making a change to make it shorter/longer ? so now what? what a dilemma right? but don't worry! your hero is here or probably your problem :D

So the solution here is to edit the Structure of the tables in you tables yourself but that's a headache you don't want to go through right ? So I did that for you guys I think what I've done here is to make that easy through Drupal UI ,, you need to enable the module then you'll find a new option at the bottom of the (Supported types yet!) under the name (Override field settings) it will make this very setting editable .. just right the new value of that and Bingo.

You need to know the new value must not sabotage the old max record or doesn't go over the limit of the original type in the SQL .. I'll try my best not to allow you do that ,, I care for you :D

Supported Types yet!:

I promise I'll do my best to cover as much as I can to other core types .. help is welcomed also if you can join the heroes to save people and to make Drupal just one click away to do pretty much everything with its UI.

Drupal is awesome ,, so lets keep it that way.

One more thing .. I don't usually clear my cache but with this module you need to clear the cache twice.
Clear it twice

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