I've installed OpenPublish, and then installed Organic Groups and Calendar. Now I'm getting the following error on all pages:

user warning: Unknown column 'tm.type' in 'field list' query: SELECT tm.type, w.name, w.label, wt.tid, wt.state_name, wt.target_state_name FROM workflow_type_map tm LEFT JOIN workflows w ON tm.workflow_name = w.name LEFT JOIN workflow_states ws ON w.name = ws.workflow_name LEFT JOIN workflow_transitions wt ON ws.name = wt.state_name WHERE wt.target_state_name IS NOT NULL ORDER BY tm.type, ws.weight in /home/babscom/public_html/sites/all/modules/workflow/workflow.module on line 561.

I also cannot delete or edit content - when I save, I get:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function ctools_export_crud_load_all() in /home/babscom/public_html/sites/all/modules/workflow/includes/workflow.node.inc on line 111

I've tried disabling the workflow module and all the OP workflow bits, but that doesn't seem to help. Thoughts anyone? Thanks!


Jørgen’s picture

I have the same problem. OpenPublish installed and was working fine. Then I installed Simplenews and the warning appeared.

evucan’s picture

Same for me too. Any solutions?

Cray Flatline’s picture

I have same problem wen I try to run /update.php
[Sun Jan 09 11:57:47 2011] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function ctools_export_crud_load_all() in /home/maestro/data/www/sites/all/modules/workflow/includes/workflow.node.inc on line 111

bramface’s picture


petekorakis’s picture


MaxMendez’s picture


fjcero’s picture


irakli’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » tirdadc
Macronomicus’s picture

wcutiew’s picture

the support on OpenPublish is not so good. Noone ever responds. This has been open since March!

koichisato’s picture

The workflow module of openpublish is in /sites/all/modules/openpublish_features.
So delete workflow module at /sites/all/modules/workflow, and upload workflow module again.

thedavidmeister’s picture

I was getting this error in a module I was working on separate to this project. This issue came up in google.

Solution for me was to add this at the top of any function that calls ctools_export_crud_load_all():
