
Download openpublic-7.x-1.0-rc1-core.tar.gztar.gz 19.62 MB
MD5: ebc55b35d3d816854ae2733da492a933
SHA-1: fb0e3c0c45e2b16ef9b47e65619f8850fe395f0c
SHA-256: 6a43e5196daf51b5c67b40fcd2a82cc6dbe8a030b087fcca5691e45f8f2f03fd
Download openpublic-7.x-1.0-rc1-core.zipzip 21.83 MB
MD5: d26fe7632b775cc131a1b738f6ea669d
SHA-1: 7fe22a570e2a8b8d5806219c9cc1203b1d3d7358
SHA-256: 634814382a7204a0320ffe91b280aecaa2b9c90b920b4c06a25ed1f04044ce1d
Download openpublic-7.x-1.0-rc1-no-core.tar.gztar.gz 16.49 MB
MD5: 17099eaeda7e62576f973bbbb529244a
SHA-1: 7cf7cadca3e4f001a973526e78fab18b5e4dce28
SHA-256: de06bbdaafce0a2091b1cff1ed0d0e982e60c98b659e1fbcfb1793a47b716225
Download openpublic-7.x-1.0-rc1-no-core.zipzip 18.06 MB
MD5: 47eba7f84a97d307601a98d51400bf37
SHA-1: 158c430580de56c0701bc976c9b6f1cac3d51c6f
SHA-256: 28b5a652ed24eb78ade4fe77ddf5d968f33b9e0b782fe69aca254e7c88d71816
Download openpublic-7.x-1.0-rc1.tar.gztar.gz 6.83 MB
MD5: dcd0ee01b36bece0ffc193c9ef9e9559
SHA-1: 9bb2b343c41b7589e72a2f66944c551e113488e1
SHA-256: 68ac3a71b7755a737f5a9e511131b006fb2ec83567cdcca3bbc4caeaf0185d12
Download openpublic-7.x-1.0-rc1.zipzip 6.96 MB
MD5: a1a0f11977bb7656ef58f756440edd67
SHA-1: c2c110d01c38e655fcd2797b185cc7ed5c330ebd
SHA-256: 5740f07720d18a0ec0ae5b9e612d062ffb4e21cf50c076b2632c30cdc3c0934e

Release notes

There have been many big changes between RC1 and most of the earlier beta releases. Beta to RC1 is not well supported, but can be done manually.

Most importantly: Remember to make backups of your database and files before updating.

  • Renamed/removed/merged features. Many features were moved to different features, which means they will not be enabled by default. An update operation to enable some of them has been added, but it is not thorough (set variable openpublic_enable_renamed_modules to FALSE if you do not want it to attempt to enable the renamed modules).
    • phase2_blog => openpublic_blog
    • phase2_document => openpublic_document
    • phase2_profile merged into pre-existing openpublic_person
    • openpublic_person_leadership merged into pre-existing openpublic_person
  • Some modules have been removed (either from code base or contrib modules that no longer part of make file). If you need to use one of the removed custom modue/features, use the version before it’s was removed as that will be most compliant with the rest of the code base (git log -- [path to removed feature]). However, it is recommended you change to use the new features instead.
    • combineblocks (was under modules/custom). It combined the two “most popular” blocks into a tab interface. Since the most popular blocks are only useful for sites with a lot of authenticated traffic (due to page/varnish type caching not tracking visits, preventing popularity statistics), most popular is not a useful module for most sites and since combinedlbocks only added a visual change, it was deemed not worth the maintenance of it. If you desire the functionality:
      • Grab the code from old code base -- However, due to selector issues, t did not work correctly with openomega; that was fixed in commit 4bee210a6c159aa842a5434e064ca37dd385c605 .
      • Use another existing contrib module, like quicktabs
      • Grab the Js and add it to your theme
    • context_no_title: removed from make file, wasn’t in use. Download it yourself if desired.
    • features_override: removed from make file as isn’t enabled by default and instead update documentation to suggest to use it when developing atop openpublic.
    • openpublic_editors_choice/nodeblock: editors choice functionality is now provided by “OpenPublic Promotion” (openpublic_promotion) which provides an entity box type with the same fields as the editors choice content type. There is currently no automated migration for this.
    • nodequeue has been removed. This means:
      • OpenPublic Home Page Feature now provides an entity box type with a multi field collection with the same fields. No automated migration.
      • Services Carousel has been moved into the Home Page Feature and is instead a generic “Carousel” that can show case any content/links (and can be used multiple times with different content), also an entity box type.
      • Leadership no longer has a nodequeue, views are sorted by name only.
      • Breaking news is now a entity box type where a single node can be selected to be show cased.
    • nodeconnect has been removed. Instead references dialogue has been added for easy selection or creation of referenced content from the node page
  • Various fields have been removed. They will be, for the most part, deleted automatically unless variable openpublic_remove_unused_fields is set to false (see openpublic_update_7102).
    • field_photo_author, field_blog_author, field_document_author: the author field has been standardized into one field (field_author) instead of individual per content type. This new field can be configured for what content types it appears on via the person apps configuration. To preserve the data for that field, move the data from database tables (both field_data_* [e.g. field_data_field_blog_author, field_data_field_document_author] and field_revision_*) to the new ones (field_data_field_author, field_revision_field_author). A simple INSERT into .. SELECT should suffice. Do this *before* running the update operation that deletes it (or disable the update via the variable)
    • field_blog_show_author_info, field_blog_teaser, field_blog_terms, field_taxonomy_issues, field_detail_page_title, field_related_content, field_summary, field_taxonomy_content_status: These fields have been removed completely.
  • Machine name of views have been changed.
    • If using features override to override the view, one way to update is:
      • Save the views so they are in the database
      • Update to newest code base
      • Export then import the views into the database with the new view name
      • Re-export the overrides
    • Alternately, disable the new views and continue using the old views
  • Most CSS has been moved into OpenOmega
    • Visit the configuration page in openOmega to enable/disable per feature styles
    • Copy any css you need into your theme if you’re not using OpenOmega (or a derivative of)

If you are looking for a good place to find the code before major changes, check out the 7.x-1.x-pre-appify tag (

Created by: hefox
Created on: 29 Jul 2014 at 16:28 UTC
Last updated: 2 Aug 2018 at 04:56 UTC
Bug fixes
New features

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