
I've understand the system of the Omega theme which is OK. Now I'm in the situation when I need to style only the MOBILE width layout. Therefor I have to add a custom css file which is called only when the page has the width for mobile layout (not cascade style like global.css ).
I know that some of you might disagree and that the global.css is for mobile theming. If I would do that, then I need to neutralize those settings in the narrow and wide css.
There is an option to add custom css but not to specify for which view it is (and be used only for that one). Please help me out with this issue because I don't want to change the core files.

Thank you.


flefle’s picture

The correct answer is to use the media query class for mobile style definition. This is located in the body tag class and has a bug in FF v13 on Mac. If you are also having such configuration, the media query class is added just not recognized by Firebug.
