This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module associates Organic Groups with Google accounts (Google drive) to let group members collaborate and share documents. Each group can be associated with one Google account and all the documents in the Google account drive are shared will all the group members.

The module uses the Google PHP SDK to authorize group members to create, upload, view, edit and delete documents that are automatically shared with all the group members.

The creating, uploading and deleting of documents is done through the Drupal interface.

The Google drive account interaction is managed through OAuth2 credentials and is transparent to the group member who only needs to supply a Google account address with which all group documents will be shared.

The module takes advantage of OG permissions and user access. Different roles can have different permissions (upload, create, delete, administer drive settings) for different groups. Each group can provide either the "writer" or "reader" role on the drive files to the members.

File access and permission is managed exclusively through group membership and is revoked when a user leaves a group, when a user is deleted, or when the group node is deleted.

Granted the necessary permission, a group administrator can manage which Google account is associated with the group being administered.


See the documentation page for more information.

This module development was sponsored by


Seeking new maintainer - Issues have been cropping up and I am not able to address them at the moment. If you are interested in picking up this module, please let me know.

Project information
