Greetings. I have been begging the maintainer of facebook statuses to help me and they said it is an organic group issue. i have been trying and I can not get the correct filter to work with facebook status updates.

they instructed me "I don't really understand what you're saying, but there's nothing else I can tell you. This isn't really a FBSS question, it's a question of how you can build a list of users in a certain group. To build a list of users in a certain group, you just add the OG: Group node filter to a User view. That's it. Then you just add one of the status-related fields and you have your list of status updates.

If you have trouble with the OG Views handlers, that's a question for the OG queue."

Well I have tried a lot to follow wheir instructions. I have lots of views created which show only members, or only posts in a group. I am sorry that facebook statuses is the biggest challenge thus far.

1) Create a Users View
2) add "OG: Group node filter"

there is no filter in views like this.
I tried this filter:
Organic groups: OG: Is membership approved Yes
But it also doesnt work.

These are the filters available:
Organic groups: Expiration dates for current user
Organic groups: Group member
Organic groups: Member Title
Organic groups: OG: Is member an admin in a group
Organic groups: OG: Is membership approved Appends approval needed if user's membership request is pending.
Organic groups: OG: Membership create date
Organic groups: OG: Membership expiration date
Organic groups: OG: Membership last updated date
Organic groups: OG: Notifications autosubscribe

None of these are working. The same filter which allows to list recent group members is also not working. So If youcould provide a clear example I would appreciate it..

Thank you so much for any help.


AntiNSA’s picture

for all people with this problem,. clone recent member list and add facebook statuses.