oembed 7.x-1.0-rc1

New features
Bug fixes

This new release consolidates some of the project's module into one so that new users will hopefully be less confused.

oembed 7.x-0.1-beta2

This is the last 0.x release. The version number will be bumped to 1.x for the next release.

oembed 7.x-0.1-beta1

Issue #1209808 by bangpound: Support Embed.ly transition
new hook_oembed_request_alter.
rationalize use of #attributes across all oembed elements.
use dimensions on oembed_thumbnail elements.
add variables to oembed theme.
Clean up unused code and assets from Media YouTube fork.
document three renderable elements in code.
code comments and improvement on provider function regex.
improve wysiwyg support.
remove more drupal 6 code.
improve url matching and regex translation from schemas.

oembed 6.x-0.9-alpha1

New features

Issue #1209808 by bangpound: Support Embed.ly transition
New hook_oembed_request_alter.
call oembedcore_oembed_data in filter.
include whole provider definition in cached providers.
improve url matching and regex translation from schemas.
move global variable usage to filter where it's used.
simplify filter's global variable setup.
Issue #1024470 by nfreear, Everett Zufelt, and stuart.crouch: Missing ALT attribute for 'photo' oEmbed type - image inside a link - accessibility

oembed 7.x-0.1-alpha2

oEmbed is a web standard for retrieving and embedding content from other sites. Currently hundreds of sites are supported either directly through their own oEmbed endpoints or the embed.ly web service. This Drupal 7 upgrade brings Media module integration and WYSIWYG support.

oembed 7.x-0.1-alpha1

oEmbed is a web standard for retrieving and embedding content from other sites. Currently hundreds of sites are supported either directly through their own oEmbed endpoints or the embed.ly web service. This Drupal 7 upgrade brings Media module integration and WYSIWYG support.

oembed 7.x-0.x-dev

A straight upgrade of the oEmbed module to Drupal 7. All oEmbed features from Drupal 6 work exactly the same way in Drupal 7, though some themes are removed because Field API formatters don't need their own theme functions anymore.

oembed 6.x-0.7

Bug fixes

Fixed a couple of bugs as well as did some code style fixes.

Removed the oohEmbed provider since it's not supposed to be relied on but instead something people should install themselves and therefor has traffic problems. The introduction of Embed.ly has also made oohEmbed kind of redundant.

Detailed changelog in the full release notes.

oembed 6.x-0.6

New features
Bug fixes

New features

  • Added auto-updating provider list from Embed.ly.


  • Made provider definitions user definable.
  • Made provider definitions exportable.
  • Uses drupal_http_request() for requests.

Bug fixes

oembed 6.x-0.5

New features

New features

  • Added a CCK field that can be used to attaching oEmbed content to a node.
  • Added presets for oEmbed settings that can be exported and reused - currently only used by the CCK field.


  • Improved the theming
  • Added a hook for providing oEmbed definitions

More detailed info about changes can be found on GitHub: http://github.com/voxpelli/drupal-oembed

oembed 6.x-0.4

Bug fixes

Fixed a bug where some values perhaps in some cases wasn't properly filtered.

oembed 6.x-0.3

New features

Initial release of the oEmbed module on Drupal.org.

This release contains an input format for inserting oEmbed content into text and a server for making oEmbed content available to other sites.

This release also contains some oEmbed functions usable by other modules wanting to make use of the standard.

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