--Show users based on a view--
I think it would be sweet if you could create a view of users that are a part of a groups and have flagged a certain thing, or have a certain status filled out on their profile.

Views would allow us to decide who shows up on list of people to be notified in a very customized way.

--Allow multiple team notification 'sections' --
By this I mean be able to have multiple fieldsets of people checkboxes for notification.

This would go very well with the views integration. You could have a fieldset w/ people who are in group1 and specify that they are a singer in there profile (for example). Another box could be for those who are in group1 and play an instrument (in their profile).

Adding the power of views would go a long way for this module.


bibo’s picture

I'd also find this feature very useful.
(+ subscribe)

obrienmd’s picture

Agreed - I would be up for contributing to a bounty on views integration, specifically an option in admin that allows selection of a view for user listing, similar to a user reference field. This would be extremely useful for me, especially for the autocomplete display of Notifications Team UI.

GuyPaddock’s picture

I originally filed issue #1887 about this same request over at community.openatrium.com, but it looks like this is the correct place.

Here's my story:

We're customizing our install of Open Atrium a bit, and one of the things we need to do is prevent certain users from being displayed in membership lists for certain custom types of groups. To avoid hacking Open Atrium, we've followed the best practices in the documentation and are doing all modifications through custom modules, but there's one snag we've run into.

In notifications_team_get_users(), a query is built to obtain the information about all group members who are eligible to receive notifications. I feel this data really should come from a view rather than from an inline query, to allow developers like us to use alter callbacks to modify the view to only return certain users.

It looks like we can just use a hook_form_alter() and make sure it gets called after OA (adjust the weights), but it would be most excellent to have either a Drupal alter callback in notifications_team_get_users() or for it to use Views, as mentioned.

Jose Reyero’s picture

Added a simple view option for the list of users.

Jose Reyero’s picture

Added some more features to the view:
- The module provides now a default view to be used or build upon: notifications_team_users
- The view can have now any number of fields:
- The ones to display for the subscribed users are the ones visible for the default display, respecting chosen format
- The ones to display for the autocomplete are the ones defined as 'inline fields' for the default display, using plaintext format
- The inline fields separator will be used for all cases (thinking of a better option?)
- The autocomplete now searches on *all* of the views fields that are of type varchar or text, displayed and not displayed (automatically pulls information from the schema to find out wich fields are text-searchable)

schturdark’s picture


The autocomplete seems to be only searching for the username though. I am using 2.1 beta 8 version.

intrepid’s picture

Hi, i have Team Notifications 6.x-2.1-beta8 installed and use "Node Access" for restricting access to a forum. Now i try to show only users who have access to the particular node but modifying the view "notifications_team_users" does not show any responses. I'm not yet talking about the whole relationship thing - even setting the predefined filter to inactive users does not differ the result.

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this issue?

Best regards

edit: I just stumbled upon /admin/messaging/notifications/team_ui -> solved by using brain