plugin Not found
Node embed requires the CKEditor IFrame Dialog Field plugin. Please download it from and extract it into /home5/mysite/www/drupal/drupal/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/iframedialog.

But this path is wrong. it has one too many drupals. How can I fix where it looks? It is there:

[~/www/drupal/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins]# ls
./          colordialog/     flash/           iframedialog/           magicline/      showblocks/   templates/
../         copyformatting/  forms/   pagebreak/      smiley/       wsc/
a11yhelp/   dialog/          icons_hidpi.png  image/                  pastefromword/  specialchar/
about/      div/             icons.png        link/                   preview/        table/
clipboard/  find/            iframe/          liststyle/              scayt/          tabletools/


tjtj created an issue.

tjtj’s picture

The message goes away if I make the fake directory path and put iframedialog there. But CKEditor still does not work.
It works again if I turn off node_embed.

jwoolson’s picture

We found this workaround works for CK Editor with Node Embed plugin and the iframedialog:

  1. Check that your text format to ensure that Node Embed is enabled /admin/config/content/formats
  2. Disable node_embed module.
  3. Run update.php to ensure there are no errors.
  4. Configure CK Editor Global Profile here /admin/config/content/ckeditor/editg
  5. Save the CK Editor Global Profile.
  6. Edit your custom CKEditor profile /admin/config/content/ckeditor/
  7. Save the custom CKEditor profile.
  8. Re-enable node_embed module.
  9. Clear all caches.

Node Embed should be working again.