Can I use this module to restrict access to nodes based on the content of a node field?

ie. if I were to create several standard roles, then in my CCK node, I were to have, say, a text field that referred to these roles - in Views, teasers, search results, etc only those nodes whose field was set to the role name would appear for those people that are members of that role.... not sure if that makes sense.

But I want members of a role only to see those nodes that relate to that role, presumably by setting a field in the node to refer to the appropriate role....


colinjones’s picture

Hello? Bump?

emptyvoid’s picture

The short answer is no.

You can however view, edit, and delete rights to content types and individual nodes. In order for the access rights rules to work you must uncheck all of the view, edit permissions for each role so you can specify the access rights per node.