Hi! I love Newswire - thanks for making it. I use it on my site, http://www.thewomensnest.com - but in IE, when members try to post, the Input Format block almost covers the Send and Preview buttons. Also, the Who's Online names that show up are so light brown they are almost illegible - but in Firefox they are fine. Can you help me with this? How can I fix these issues?



Jeff Burnz’s picture

Title: IE viewer issues » Fieldset margin issues in IE
Assigned: Unassigned » Jeff Burnz
Category: support » bug

Ok, hunt around in this issue queue (sorry I dont have time to find it right now), there a fix for the fieldset margins, that is the problem and it only affects IE users. You need to set a bigger margin for fieldsets (say 30px bottom margin or something like that).

Actually this is bug and needs to be addressed!