Neo4j (Network Exploration and Optimization 4 Java) is a graph database management system developed by Neo4j, Inc. Described by its developers as an ACID-compliant transactional database with native graph storage and processing,

Neo4j is available in a GPL3-licensed open-source "community edition"

You can find detailed documentation here.

Version 3.x of the module is for Drupal 9 and works with Neo4j 4.x
Version 2.x of the module is for Drupal 8 and works with Neo4j 4.x
Version 1.x of the module is for Drupal 7 and Neo4j 3.x and regarded as obsolete.


Drupal 8

Maintainable library for neo4j connection require symfony/event-dispatcher 4+ version. But Drupal 8, use 3. We made fork, and implemented compatibility.

1. Download module.
2. Add remote vcs repository - using composer.json file.
3. Install library 5.1 version.

Drupal 9

Just install module using composer.

Supporting organizations: 
Build and maintain 2 and 3 versions

Project information
