A nice, simple and effective SOAP client in less than 100 lines of PHP code, for simple RPC-style, non-WSDL SOAP actions. It does not parse/munge/process the SOAP response in any way.

A call is as simple as this:

$client = new NanoSOAPClient('http://opensearch.addi.dk/1.1/');
$response = $client->call('getObjectRequest', array(
  'identifier' => '710100:27246478',
  'objectFormat' => 'dkabm',

This was made out of frustration with the available PHP SOAP, mainly because they are slow and munge the data returned with strange assumptions on how I want my XML parsed.


Both are included with most PHP distributions, so likely you will not need to install them manually.

For use with Drupal 6, the Autoload module can be helpful. Otherwise you would have to load the the class manually. This can be accomplished by running module_load_include('inc', 'nanosoap');

Project information
