nagios 8.x-1.19

Bug fixes
New features

As the release 1.18 was broken, below are the changes between 1.17 and 1.19:

nagios 8.x-1.16

New features

New Feature

Issue #3295094: In case you have deprecated or experimental modules or deprecated themes enabled in your site, there are now new checkboxes to silence that warning.


I have extended the compatibility to include Drupal 10.

User Experience

In the Extend page (/admin/modules), this module is now listed under “Monitoring” instead of “Custom”.

nagios 8.x-1.15

Bug fixes


Issue #3260902: Append outdated module and theme names even if there is more than one error in the “ADMIN” status.

nagios 8.x-1.14

Bug fixes
New features

New Feature

Issue #3256147: The drush nagios-update command now has an optional argument "security". This adds compatibility with the Drupal 7 version.


Ignored modules/themes didn't work within the drush nagios-updates command and the web-based status page. The command listed all updatable extensions - even if they should be ignored.

nagios 7.x-1.9


Fix: This release makes the POSIX PHP extension optional again. This allows running Nagios Monitoring under Cent OS and Windows again. Up until 1.7, the POSIX extention was not needed. Version 1.8 made it required.

If present, the POSIX extension is used to record the operating system user name for CLI usage and web requests. The motivation is to discover spurious permission configuration problems with other modules. If your configuration requires more than one user, extra care has to be given to file and directory permissions needed for other modules.

nagios 8.x-1.13

New features

New Features

  • Store the name of the operating system user running PHP. We can use this information to complain if there are errors and the Drush user doesn't match the web user. See Issue #3193391

nagios 7.x-1.8

New features

New Features

  • Store the name of the operating system user running PHP. We can use this information to complain if there are errors and the Drush user doesn't match the web user. See Issue #3193391
  • check_drupal Bash script: Improve --help output and add the default for -H (host)

Minor inconsistency fix

    nagios 8.x-1.12

    New features

    New feature

    Issue #3206357 by tunic: Allow to select watchdog message types to monitor. This release adds a checkbox “Negate condition” to the Nagios Monitoring » General settings form.

    nagios 8.x-1.11

    Bug fixes

    Bug fixes

    • Issue #3194754 by Roderik de Langen: Remove Drush 10 warning
    • Issue #3192964 by sleitner: Outdated module and theme names were not visible if the default language was not English.

    nagios 7.x-1.7

    Bug fixes

    User experience

    • Issue #3078780 by solideogloria: Add php = 5.4 to .info file to make a reliable installation easier.
    • Made the nagios_ignore checkboxes on the module page easier to understand.
    • UX: Selecting NAGIOS_STATUS_OK for nagios_min_report_severity makes no sense.

    Code quality / developer experience

    • Simplified some condition code.

    nagios 8.x-1.10

    Bug fixes

    Possibly breaking change

    • Better URL for the ignored modules page: An underscore was added to avoid the spell checker to trigger. This change only affects you if the URL is saved somewhere, e.g. in a bookmark. See commit 2de2ae7.

    Bug fixes

      nagios 8.x-1.9

      Bug fixes

      Bug fixes

      • hook_requirements was only checked for core and contrib modules, not for custom modules hosted outside of

      If you miss a feature or need help, please use the issue queue.

      nagios 8.x-1.8

      New features

      New features

      • Check if maintenance mode is active. As site owners, we want visitors to be able to use our Drupal site. This new check allows you to monitor if the site went into maintenance mode. This is usually part of a database update hiccup. The new check is disabled by default to prevent surprises for existing installations.

      Developer documentation improvements / Code quality

      • Added a new test and fixed existing ones.

      nagios 8.x-1.7

      New features

      New features

      • Added Drush command "drush nagios-updates", very similar to the command in the 7.x-1.x branch. This should make moving from Drupal 7 to 8 even smoother.
      • HTTP status page: Allow filtering by module and passing an $id, separated by /.

      User experience

      • Settings page UX: Hide watchdog settings if nagios checkbox is clear.
      • Ignore cron issues when running `drush nagios-updates`.

      nagios 7.x-1.6

      New features

      Requires PHP 5.4 or newer; PHP 7.x is fine.

      nagios 8.x-1.6

      New features

      New features:

      • Added configuration migration from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8.
      • Drush: Implemented nagios-list command, like in the Drupal 7 version.

      nagios 7.x-1.5

      Bug fixes


      Code won't throw warnings under PHP 7.2: Issue #3031859 by bhanuprakashnani, sleitner, Gogowitsch).

      New features


      nagios 7.x-1.4

      Bug fixes
      New features

      Behavior changes

      • Issue #2583751 by greg.harvey: Drush updates checker only announces critical for 'security' check, not 'all'
      • Issue #2496659 by greg.harvey, kenorb: Change default nagios status page path for new installations


        nagios 8.x-1.5

        Bug fixes
        New features


        • New feature for watchdog check aka dblog: Allow to ignore certain message types. For example you may want to blacklist 'access denied' messages as they usually require no attention.
        • Prefixed module dependencies with project name to avoid conflicts between modules with identical names in different projects (Issue #3018196).

        nagios 8.x-1.4

        Bug fixes

        This release only fixes a bug triggered if Drupal is in maintenance mode. Thanks go to ErikWegner, Ben Coleman and wturrell for reporting issue 2997586.

        nagios 8.x-1.3

        Bug fixes
        New features

        Watchdog check has a new behavior:
        In all releases until now, errors could be moved out of the limit over time (50 by default). This release prevents benign debug or info messages from hiding warnings and errors. Now, the only way to get Nagios green is to delete the triggering records from the watchdog database table explicitly. I hereby ask the community: is there a module that allows selectively deleting some types of watchdog entries while keeping most in the database? If you know the answer, please create an issue in the Nagios issue queue and I'll update this text here.


        • Added Drush command for querying Nagios. It allows transport via NRPE instead of Drupal's HTTP status page.
        • The most severe watchdog entries are now shown first. Chronological sorting is only applied among entries of equal severity.

        nagios 8.x-1.2

        This release only changes the default behavior towards other modules' hook_nagios implementations.

        nagios 8.x-1.1

        Bug fixes

        Changes since 8.x-1.0:


        • Fixed bug that check function options didn't stick.
        • Prevent undefined class error during installation

        nagios 8.x-1.0

        Bug fixes
        New features

        First official Drupal 8 release. We now have some basic test coverage and zero reported bug issues.

        nagios 7.x-1.3

        Bug fixes
        New features

        Various fixes and enhancements, including new UI for ignoring modules you do not want to check for update status.

        nagios 6.x-1.3

        Bug fixes

        - Adding a watchdog check for Nagios (#1441572 by RichardLynch)
        - Fix for update status flip-flopping (#1548916 by instanceofjamie)
        - Minor update to info file (greg.harvey)
        - Fixing command structure for Nagios 2 in README (#1396592 by jeffschuler)

        nagios 7.x-1.2

        Bug fixes

        Fixed empty join() bug manifesting when no descriptions are present.
        Altered update status code to significantly reduce "flip-flopping" and false warnings.
        Minor documentation update for non-standard distro/configuration Nagios users.

        nagios 6.x-1.2

        Bug fixes

        Fixed empty join() bug manifesting when no descriptions are present.
        Altered update status code to significantly reduce "flip-flopping" and false warnings.
        Minor documentation update for non-standard distro/configuration Nagios users.

        nagios 6.x-1.1

        Bug fixes

        Several small bug fixes and documentation enhancement.

        nagios 7.x-1.0

        Bug fixes

        Final out-standing D6 patches ported forward to D7 version. Branches now in synch, final release ready.

        nagios 7.x-1.0-beta1

        New features
        Bug fixes

        New UI for adding values to Nagios.
        Admin option to disable the status page.
        Requirements checks.
        Various minor bug fixes and tidy-ups from the D6 branch.

        nagios 6.x-1.0

        New features

        Added a user interface for altering the values pushed to Nagios.
        Finally a point release! \o/

        nagios 7.x-1.x-dev

        This is the development snapshot of Nagios for Drupal 7.

        Covered with PHPStan static code analysis. Can't wait for GitLab support to enable the CI pipeline!

        nagios 6.x-1.0-beta1

        New features
        Bug fixes

        Initial release of the module, draws a line in the sand, including drush support and various minor feature requests and bug fixes. See for ongoing release plans.

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