Hi. I've tried to install this before (the 5.x version), with no luck. I'm back, this time with 6.x, and was wondering if you could help me with installation.

My previous issue is here: http://drupal.org/node/297277 . It will probably be useful to refer to this, as my set-up is essentially the same, except I'm using 6.x instead of 5.x, and the folder where Drupal is installed in (where its index.php can be found) is 'blog' this time, instead of 'templates'. Also, the subdomain I am trying to get everything working with is fullr.heebie.co.uk

So, this is what I've put in my htaccess file:

#file access
RewriteRule ^\w+/(modules|misc|files|themes|sites)(.*)$ ./$1$2 [L]

RewriteRule ^/(modules|misc|files|themes|sites)(.*)$ ./$1$2 [L]

#special php scripts
RewriteRule ^\w+/(update.php|install.php|index.php)(.*)$ ./$1$2 [L,QSA]

#site sub-section
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} ^/home/heebie/public_html/blog/site/.*
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^\w+(/)?(.*)$ index.php?q=$2 [L,QSA] 

and this is my addition to settings.php in blog/sites/fullr.heebie.co.uk :

 $requri = explode('/', request_uri());
  if (sizeof($requri) >1 && $requri[1]=='site' && $requri[2] != '') {
    $my_site_base = $requri[2];  
    #this will be the database shared between the main site and the shared sites
    $db_url = 'mysql://heebie:*********@localhost/heebie_fullr';
    $db_prefix = $my_site_base."_";
    $base_url = "http://fullr.heebie.co.uk/site/$my_site_base";  // NO trailing slash!

I didn't create a symlink because all my modules are in the sites/all/modules directory.

My only concern is that I didn't seem to implement

  <VirtualHost *:80>
    AliasMatch ^/site/\w+/(.*) /var/www/drupal/$1
    DocumentRoot /var/www/drupal/

which you mention in INSTALL.txt . Putting this in my .htaccess file in public_html breaks the site (500 Internal Server Error).

So, any ideas, please? I'd really appreciate it if you get this working.


B747’s picture

Title: Installation. » Installation problems.

I forgot to mention, that I tried to create http://fullr.heebie.co.uk/site/test and get a 404 - this is how I know things aren't quite how they're supposed to be...

schuyler1d’s picture

The symlink is specifically to make the /site/ urls work. Type the following command from a shell:
$ ln -s . /home/heebie/public_html/blog/site

If you still get a 404 is it an apache 404 or a drupal 404?

B747’s picture

Your code threw up an error in PuTTy but I tried ln -s home/heebie/public_html/blog/site and that seemed to go OK (next line comes up in PuTTy) but nothing seems to have happened with my site in that I get exactly the same Drupal 404 (try it yourself). Any ideas?

EDIT: and in my file manager there isn't the folder 'site' in 'blog' which there should be...

EDIT TWO: BTW, in admin/settings/multisite_manager/phpsettingfile , there is the error message ERROR: no link or db url

EDIT THREE: When I log onto PuTTy, I'm pretty sure the directory I start with is heebie/home . So, I tried ln -s /public_html/blog/site and I was returned with ln: '.site': File exists. Not according to cPanel File Manager, and the Drupal 404 is still there..

And help greatly appreciated...

schuyler1d’s picture

the command i gave you was correct. the command you put in is wrong. you're missing the "." do a copy instead of retyping my command.
ln -s . /home/heebie/public_html/blog/site
if you get an error, do not type random variations. report the error.

B747’s picture

Sorry. Copied what you wrote in, still get same drupal 404.

B747’s picture

OK. So, after I did what you asked I now have the 'site' directory with the infinite loop thing showing up in the correct directory (blog).

I happened to notice something: when I tried to access the directory of a site that I didn't create through node creation, I got errors such as this:

Warning: Table 'heebie_fullr.x_access' doesn't exist query: SELECT 1 FROM x_access WHERE type = 'host' AND LOWER('') LIKE LOWER(mask) AND status = 0 LIMIT 0, 1 in /home/heebie/public_html/blog/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 128

which, correct me if I'm wrong, shows that it's actually trying to access a database for that site - it just doesn't exist. Also, I checked in phpmyadmin, all the tables for my test sites seemed to have created correctly.

So, I think this means that we can discount a database problem?

B747’s picture

A quick look at the 404 page shows that Drupal is looking for things like /site/test/modules/system/defaults.css?0.

Now, a quick look in my file manager reveals that this in now way exists. The symlink that's set up reveals something like this: blog/site/modules/all etc. Shouldn't it be looking in the site/modules/all directory?

Just a thought.

I hope you can think of a solution - your assistance has been invaluable thus far!