Hi ya all, first thanks for taking the time to read all this.

I really love Mothership and it's the only theme who takes the pain out of Drupal-theming. I really hate all the

crap Drupal is outputting sometimes.
But I also love 'Twitter Bootstrap', who doesn't. I've looked at the https://drupal.org/project/bootstrap theme, but really hate all the crap again. (I'm in love with the theme-settings from Mothership.)

Is there an easy way to combine the best of both world, should I take Bootstrap-source files into a Mothership-childtheme? Or should I use two parent-themes (chaining?).

Guess you all have been here before. Thanks for the good work!


pyxio’s picture

Hi Xenophon,

I am a bootstrap themer who always uses Mothership as a base. All you need to do is create a mothership base theme and in that theme use bootstrap css and js. that;s really all there is to it! check out the drupal bootstrap group https://groups.drupal.org/twitter-bootstrap for my info on integrating bootstrap with drupal. cheers kevin

Peter van den Heuvel’s picture

Kevin, Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question. Will use your tips in my next project for sure. Both of my favorite themes connected.

autopoietic’s picture

I am also looking at this. I am already using bootstrap in multiple themes descended from the drupal bootstrap theme, which I do think is great.

I have been doing more front-end work recently however, and as I am maintaining several related themes already, I think I would happily forego the admin configurability of the bootstrap theme project in favour of my own rendition, possibly/probably based on mothership, partly because I am concerned that my theme remain really light. Though I am happy to borrow from the bootstrap theme, I am only using a small subset of bootstrap components at present, and so do not need to drupalise all of its components. I could therefore make my own theme with a smaller, customised bootstrap download.

A complicating factor is that I would also like to update my front-end development and use SASS, (compass?), grunt, bower etc regardless of platform, eg drupal and non-drupal sites. I will probably therefore use Sass-bootstrap, and therefore not be able to use the bootstrap customise page (main bootstrap project uses LESS). I may therefore not be as easily able to reduce the size of bootstrap itself.

As a separate issue, I am looking forward to using Twig templating with Drupal 8, as this will allow me to further standardise and re-use theming components inside and out of drupal.

autopoietic’s picture

While exploring this I found a couple of interesting articles that may be of value:

https://www.deeson.co.uk/labs/using-grunt-bootstrap-compass-and-sass-dru... (using bootstrap subtheme)

http://singlebrook.com/blog/modernize-your-drupal-theme (incorporating sass)

and this issue re potential heaviness of bootstrap theme:


autopoietic’s picture

I have reversed my decision. I intend to build on the hard work of the bootstrap theme maintainers, and follow the workflow suggested here to incorporate dependency management, workflow and css framework (sass). I should then be able to use sass includes to specify which aspects of bootstrap I wish to use.

Key to my decision was the realisation that as a number of my sites rely heavily on Boost module to serve static html, I need not overly worry about performance of the theme itself (whilst rattling through templates etc to construct html), rather work to ensure that the resultant html, css, js are not too bloated, which I should be able to accomplish by tailoring bootstrap css via sass, js via boostrap customise, and if necessary overriding some templates.

I hope my headless chicken posting helps someone else.