monster_menus 9.2.0

Bug fixes
New features

New in this release:

  • Add a Filter field when using the tree browser to choose images
  • Add a Search dialog for the tree browser's left column
  • Add drush commands to make the entire site readonly (mm:readonly) and writable once more (mm:readwrite)

Also, various bug fixes.

monster_menus 9.1.0

Bug fixes

This release contains many bug fixes, performance improvements, and compatibility with Drupal 10.2 and PHP up to version 8.2.

monster_menus 9.1.0-rc3

Bug fixes

This release includes many bug fixes and performance improvements, as well as full Drupal 10.1 and PHP 8.2 compatibility.

monster_menus 9.1.0-rc2

Bug fixes
New features

Adds a CKEditor 5 media insertion plugin to the mm_media module, as well as other media-related fixes

monster_menus 9.1.0-rc1

This is the first release candidate of Monster Menus, compatible with Drupal 10.

At a minimum, Drupal 9.4 is required to run this version.

monster_menus 9.0.1

Bug fixes
  • Fix node revision view/revert/delete
  • Fix the list of available taxonomies in Search
  • Fix the appearance of tree browsers within modal dialogs
  • Fix lists of links to pages in the output of Verify Sort Index, when performed in a web browser
  • Fix the "Fix URLs in content" function
  • Fix a possible SQL error
  • Fix lots of bugs having to do with importing/exporting nodes
  • Fix various cases of form titles having double colons

monster_menus 7.x-1.33

Bug fixes
  • Fix some PHP warnings in Search
  • Fix a problem when exporting permissions applied to nodes
  • Since recycle bins are usually emptied during a cron run, impose a ten minute time limit on the deletion of nodes. Any nodes remaining after the time limit will be processed during the next cron run. Once they have all been deleted the containing pages are deleted.
  • Fix a bug which could prevent a node from being dragged when reordering nodes on a page
  • Fix the display of Subpage Lists with PHP 8
  • Fix various PHP 8 warnings

monster_menus 7.x-1.32

Bug fixes
New features
When saving a page's settings, and the page is going from hidden to unhidden, and its siblings have a custom order set, move the page to the bottom of the list
Bug Fixes:
Fix a cosmetic error which, under very rare circumstances, could cause menu links to appear not world-readable when they are
Handle missing ad hoc users more gracefully when importing tree data

monster_menus 7.x-1.31

Bug fixes

Changes in Monster Menus

  • Improve the UX of the Published and Publish On Date settings by hiding the dates when Published is unchecked
  • Allow menu renderers to depict the entries for pages having sub-pages differently
  • Fix searching for pages using the "Everyone" permission
  • Future-proof cookies by setting them with the SameSite attribute
  • Verify sort index: When both the names and aliases of siblings are the same, group this into one message
  • Add create/modify times to CSV dump output

monster_menus 7.x-1.30

Bug fixes

Monster Menus core:

  • Make MM work with the comment_verification module
  • Fix the uploading of a CSV of group members, in the case where there are duplicate users in the file
  • Prevent the page permalink from being incorrect when there is an mm_block node on the page
  • Improve the prompt when deleting a node, in the case where the current MM page is not one of the pages where the node is stored
  • Prevent nodes with the same modification time from appearing in a non-deterministic order on a page
  • Remove some site-specific code

monster_menus 7.x-1.29

Bug fixes
New features

Feature Changes

  • Add tests to the structure checker to warn when a given level of the tree has multiple entries with the same name and/or alias
  • Move many bits of Javascript code out of and into separate files, to improve compatibility with advagg

Bug Fixes

  • Make MM compatible with PHP 7.3. Note that this breaks backward-compatibility with PHP < 5.3, but that's OK because core now requires >= 5.3.
  • Fix a cache clear
  • Fix a use of the PHP 5.4+ array syntax
  • Fix the attribution setting summary

monster_menus 7.x-1.28

Bug fixes
New features

Changes in Monster Menus:

monster_menus 7.x-1.27

Bug fixes
  • Speed up the generation of very long menus
  • Verify sort index: Fix the case where the root tree entry is marked dirty; improve the message that appears when the tree is being checked (but not fixed) and an entry is dirty
  • Fix a case where admin/mm/sort/fix could fail to fix anything if a fix was needed for a top-level page
  • Clean up some unused rows in the mm_tree_access table
  • Fix the index on the mm_tree_bookmarks table, and supporting code, to prevent unnecessary rows in the table

monster_menus 7.x-1.26

Bug fixes
  • Issue #2803113 by sgn4779: "Uncaught TypeError: Drupal.mmDialogAdHoc" thrown on webform/configure page
  • Issue #2780843 by i.mcbride, Gribnif: Ensure nodes returned by Gallery select are not WYSIWYG inlines
  • Issue #2779237: Missing mm_browser_gallery_add variable in
  • Issue #2778665 by sgn4779: "Uncaught TypeError: Drupal.mmDialogAdHoc" thrown on Copy/Move page
  • Fix a Javascript error when adding users to a group
  • Fix the alias of the "Lost and Found" page created by admin/mm/sort and admin/mm/orphan-nodes

monster_menus 7.x-1.25

Bug fixes
New features
  • If your site has the feature enabled to provide every user with his or her own homepage, these homepages are no longer created by default when a new account is added. Instead, they are created when requested by the user. Drush commands have been added to administer user homepages.
  • A new "Check for orphan nodes" command has been added at admin/mm. This will look for any nodes that are not associated with any MM page and assign them to one for manual review. There are new drush commands, also: mm-check-orphan-nodes and mm-fix-orphan-nodes.
  • The thickbox module is no longer needed, unless your site uses the Gallery content type, as provided by the mm_media module. Among the benefits, this improves usability for users of devices with small screens.
  • Improve the efficiency of permanently deleting nodes and subpages when a page has many children
  • Improve the efficiency of the fuzzy "page not found" code, so that certain edge cases don't seem to go on forever
  • The speed of permanently deleting pages has been greatly improved. Unfortunately, it's still slower than it needs to be due to silliness in core.
  • Paginate the MM page revisions table and default to a most-recent-first sort order

monster_menus 7.x-1.24

Security update

Fix for security bug DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2015-163, which allowed nodes placed into a recycle bin to remain accessible by the same users who could access them when outside of the bin.

monster_menus 7.x-1.23

Bug fixes
New features

Changes in Monster Menus

  • Allow hook_mm_showpage_routing() page callbacks to insert content into multiple regions on the page at once. See for details.
  • Fix various PHP 5.4/5.5 warnings
  • Fix the MIME type of search results export as CSV
  • Issue #2554799 by Gribnif, i.mcbride, visabhishek: Select elements on the MM Archive pages should have labels for accessibility
  • Fix some more missing cache clears, which mostly affected the accuracy of the permissions regression tests
  • Prevent double-escaping of page titles/breadcrumbs

monster_menus 7.x-1.22

Bug fixes

Bug Fixes in Monster Menus

  • Fix the order of nodes in the Reorder table when using the default sort order
  • Fix a longstanding bug that could cause certain node settings, such as permissions, to be lost when processing a form that contains submit buttons that are processed by AJAX. An example is as an Upload button that uploads a file but does not submit the outer node form.
  • Fix a case where some internal caches were not always cleared when expected


  • Fix a preg_replace() modifier deprecated in PHP 5.4

monster_menus 7.x-1.21

Bug fixes
New features


If you have a previous release, you must run update.php or "drush updatedb" immediately. If you use the mm_media module you may have to update twice, since a warning is generated the first time under certain circumstances.

monster_menus 7.x-1.20

Bug fixes
New features

Monster Menus

  • Begin to add drush commands
  • Search:
    • Improve the way taxonomy searches work, to correctly search all instances of a taxonomy field
    • Add recycle bin status to node and page searches
    • Fix a case where selecting a user would cause the outer form to be automatically submitted
    • Fix searching for theme and allowed themes - Have the "Search again" link restart the page/group search at the same place as before
    • When selecting a group to start searching at, don't show an empty tree browser

monster_menus 7.x-1.19

Bug fixes
New features

Monster Menus:


  • Add options to admin/mm to export/import entire sections of the tree. Nodes attached to pages can also be acted upon, if the node_export module is installed.
  • Add a new mode to mm_create_path() to only add new items, and not update existing ones; add the ability to return a list of stats/error messages; the same stats are now also present in mm_content_insert_or_udpate()
  • Add a "test" parameter to mm_create_path(), to permit dry runs
  • Feature #2231165: Add some support for pathauto

monster_menus 7.x-1.18

Bug fixes
New features

Monster Menus:

  • Add a link to display information about each group in a set of permissions. This can be seen in page settings, where groups listed in permissions now have a "Group Information" link.
  • Add an option to admin/mm/settings which, if a page's alias affects hook_mm_showpage_routing, will either warn the user or prevent him from moving the page or changing the alias
  • Fix a longstanding bug that could cause sort index errors when moving contents into recycle bins. Many many thanks to Hilary C. for coming up with a reproducible test case.

monster_menus 6.x-6.64

Bug fixes
  • Fix a longstanding bug that could cause sort index errors when moving contents into recycle bins. Many many thanks to Hilary C. for coming up with a reproducible test case.
  • Allow the user to edit a node that is assigned to more than one page, via the URL of the page which is numerically lowest, for which he does not have page-level read access

monster_menus 7.x-1.17

Bug fixes
New features

Monster Menus:

  • Add a new cache class, MMAccessCacheMemcache, which can be used to improve performance on systems using the memcache module. To enable, add this line to your settings.php file, alongside other memcache configurations: $conf['cache_class_mm_access_cache'] = 'MMAccessCacheMemcache';
  • Automatically flag the "All logged-in users" virtual group to be updated during the next cron run whenever a user is added or removed. Courtesy of Hilary C.

monster_menus 6.x-6.63

Bug fixes
  • Don't empty the group membership lists of sub-groups when the "Copy these permissions to all sub-groups of this group" option is checked
  • Correctly delete the group from mm_node_write when using "Reassign user content" and the user being reassigned is the only member of an "individual users" permisions group for a node

monster_menus 7.x-1.16

Bug fixes
New features

Monster Menus


  • Add a new node type, mm_block, which allows the contents of any block to be displayed as a node. This provides an easy way to put a node on a single page without it also appearing on every other page that uses the same theme.
  • Instead of reusing the no_breadcrumb flag to send the meta tag asking crawlers to not index the page, create a new flag called no_index. Any pages relying upon no_breadcrumb for this will have to have the new flag checked instead. Hint: Use MM's Search feature to identify these pages.

monster_menus 6.x-6.62

Bug fixes
  • Improve the translatability of some watchdog messages
  • Prevent a (remotely) possible missing function error when creating user homepages
  • See if a user's home page needs to be set up every time they log in
  • Fix a longstanding typo in the blocks admin page
  • Fix a PHP warning when parsing a URL containing "mm/" followed by garbage
  • Fix a bug in virtual group regeneration which could cause additional group members to be added when the count of members goes down drastically, but to a number greater than zero, thereby marking it "insane"

monster_menus 7.x-1.15

Security update

Fix an access bypass which could allow even anonymous users to view node comments they should not be permitted to see.

SA-CONTRIB-2013-086 - Monster Menus - Access bypass

monster_menus 7.x-1.14

New features
Bug fixes


  • Group membership can be downloaded to a CSV file and then updated using a CSV file upload
  • Add text to the page settings, describing which parent page's theme will be inherited if no theme is chosen
  • In the page copy/move form, standardize the name and alias fields with respect to the regular page settings form; fix the default value of the alias, so that it matches the original page being copied or moved
  • Change the location of the "MM blocks" menu item (admin/structure/block/mm), so that it appears in the actions menu, rather than intermingled with the theme tabs. Requires a menu tree rebuild to take effect.
  • If the no_breadcrumb flag is set, include a noindex meta tag, asking nice crawlers not to index the page; fix a PHP warning
  • Improve the translatability of some watchdog messages
  • See if a user's home page needs to be set up every time they log in
  • Prevent a (remotely) possible missing function error when creating user homepages
  • Fix a longstanding typo in the blocks admin page
  • Fix a PHP warning when parsing a URL containing "mm/" followed by garbage
  • Fix a bug which would cause the Edit link next to the destination alias of a copy/move operation to be unclickable

monster_menus 6.x-6.61

Security update

SA-CONTRIB-2013-066 - Monster Menus submodule mm_webform - Access Bypass

monster_menus 7.x-1.13

Security update

SA-CONTRIB-2013-066 - Monster Menus submodule mm_webform - Access Bypass

monster_menus 7.x-1.12

New features
Bug fixes


  • Add a new feature allowing advanced users to see the list of revisions to a page's settings. It is accessed by way of a Settings->Revisions tab.
  • In page settings, move the "URL Name" field onto a separate line, below "Page Name"
  • Set the replacement character to '-' for non-alphanumeric characters in URL names. This improves SEO, according to Google.
  • Fix an XSS vulnerability which would allow a malicious user with the 'administer all menus' permission to inject Javascript code into the session of others who are editing a page's settings. Note that this issue was reported to Drupal's security team and deemed "can be public".
  • Code cleanup and a PHP warning
  • Swallow the event when clicking on a tabbed_ui show/hide region
  • In the tree browser, take advantage of improvements to data caching in Drupal 7.22. See
  • When the option to "Copy these permissions to all sub-pages of this page" is checked, set the owner of the sub-pages, as well
  • Fix a white page error with URLs like mm/NNN or NNN, where NNN is the mmtid of a recycle bin or its parent
  • Add tags to some of the tree browser queries, so that they can be altered
  • Accessibility changes

monster_menus 6.x-6.60

New features
Bug fixes
Don't ban hidden node types when considering access to create nodes
Add an option to the detailed 404 page function, allowing it to do all of the searches except for the costly ones that use SOUNDEX
Fix a potential bug in webform results access; clean up the code a bit to remove abiguity

monster_menus 6.x-6.59

Bug fixes
Don't allow the "Location on page" to be changed for a homepage
Don't allow permissions to be set using an empty gid; show an error message if this happens. Silently remove any groups without a proper gid in the page settings form.
Decode any HTML entities in the titles of RSS feeds before use

monster_menus 6.x-6.57


Move the Amherst-specific "Uploaded Files" directory code out of MM's media module

monster_menus 7.x-1.11

New features
Bug fixes


  • Do a massive code cleanup


  • Add a "Solve permissions issues" link to the "Who can edit or deleted content" tab of the node editing form, similar to the one in the page settings
  • When adding "..." onto the end of a list of group members, show it on a separate line, where applicable
  • Add an option to the detailed 404 page function, allowing it to do all of the searches except for the costly ones that use SOUNDEX
  • Fix the "See all users in this group" link in the right hand pane of the tree browser
  • Fix the warning that appears before deleting a page
  • Move the page settings Theme tab into Appearance; add a summary item for "Enable the RSS feed for this page"
  • Move the "denotes required fields" text on the node edit form below the action buttons added by the Content Lock module
  • Don't ban hidden node types when considering access to create nodes
  • Fix a bug where sometimes the list of allowed node types or themes could come up empty in a page's settings
  • #1910824: hook_mm_showpage_routing Output Order Incorrect: Fix problems with the order of mm_showpage output in relation to nodes
  • #1829238: Node permissions removed on node save: Don't trash node permissions upon a Javascript error or disabled state in the node edit form

monster_menus 6.x-6.56

Bug fixes

Fix a longstanding access control bug, which allowed users to see nodes that were unpublished (status=0) under certain circumstances

monster_menus 6.x-6.53

Bug fixes


  • Fix an issue where image size was not included in image url. Default to displaying the original image


  • Prevent extraneous HTML code at the end of calendar RSS feeds retrieved using "?mm_calendar=feed"


  • Allow monster_menus_url_outbound_alter() to deal with absolute URLs that point to a page within MM
  • Allow mm_parse_args() to handle the case of "mm/NNN?foo=bar"

monster_menus 6.x-6.48

Bug fixes


  • Correctly handle the case when a day/week grid's ending time is either midnight or less than its starting time


monster_menus 6.x-6.44

Bug fixes


  • Fix the field used when querying end dates for the RSS feed calendar view, so that only events with an end time newer than the current time will be returned
  • Fix a bug that would prevent events manually added to the calendar from being included in RSS feeds
  • Fix sorting of the calendar RSS feed

mm_media & monster_menus:

  • More adaptive image support


    monster_menus 6.x-6.42

    Bug fixes

    - Fix some PHP errors when adding events to calendars
    - Prevent duplicates by adding a GROUP BY to the query

    monster_menus 6.x-6.41

    Bug fixes
    • Make mm_content_get_cascaded_settings() return a data type which matches that of the element being queried, even when empty; improve the documentation of this and mm_content_resolve_cascaded_setting()
    • Fix the docs for mm_content_get_cascaded_settings()
    • Fix the saving of node (un)publish dates when calling node_save() directly in code

    monster_menus 6.x-6.38

    Bug fixes

    monster_menus 7.x-1.10

    Bug fixes

    IMPORTANT: Be sure to run update.php after installing this version.


    • Fix a longstanding access control bug, which allowed users to see nodes that were unpublished (status=0) under certain circumstances
    • Greatly relax the restrictions on what page names can be used due to possible collisions with the internal Drupal menu system. Previously, there would be frequent complaints during menu rebuild that some very common page names could not be used. This code will reduce the chance of that happening, down to only what is truly necessary.
    • In the copy/move dialog, use the friendlier "machine_name" field type for page aliases when the user is an administrator


    • Fix issue in tree browser that prevented images from being selectable
    • Move the Amherst-specific "Uploaded Files" directory code out of mm_media
    • Fix an ordering issue for thumbnails in mm_browser where Styles would try to override file icons
    • Treat SWF files like videos
    • Fix some cases of the form_alter hook being overzealous, which led to phantom textareas appearing on admin forms
    • Delete the corresponding file when a mm_media node is deleted
    • Remove the maximum length on the list of allowed file extensions


    • Don't set the download file name when viewing a calendar as RSS
    • Don't try to skew the start/end dates for a calendar if it's not a year display


    • Fix a couple of seldom-used queries that were not properly updated for D7

    monster_menus 7.x-1.9

    Bug fixes


    • Prevent a SQL error when saving an existing redirector node with revisions turned off
    • Fix a problem where editing group membership would sometimes result in a database error, due to a field that is too short
    • Fix two undefined variable notices in mm_create_path()
    • Fix PHP warnings when editing a node form with the date_popup module enabled, and #access to the publish/unpublish fields is set to FALSE
    • Fix a bug in monster_menus_url_outbound_alter() which would have caused the second of two URLs with the same path but different query strings to be rewritten incorrectly
    • Allow monster_menus_url_outbound_alter() to deal with absolute URLs that point to a page within MM
    • Allow mm_parse_args() to handle the case of "mm/NNN?foo=bar"
    • Make hook_views_pre_render, which checks the permission of nodes returned by a view, more robust
    • When editing a node, set the default breadcrumb and page title earlier, so that changes made by other modules will stick
    • Fix mm_showpage's "output_post" method, which allows custom content to appear after any nodes on the page
    • Fix a bug in mm_get_node_info(), which would lead to nodes appearing or being reorderable when more than one module implements hook_mm_node_info().


    • Complete the D7 upgrade
    • Fix the internal limit on widgets defined by mm_fields, to avoid a "field_cardinality" error message when saving nodes


    This is a major rewrite, which radically changes the way calendars are generated compared to the D6 version.

    • There is now a main view and an arbitrary number of attachments that are UNIONed together in a subquery to the main one.
    • A "feature" is now used, to install a default calendar view and the mm_calendar and mm_calendar_event content types.
    • An Amherst-converted version of the jcalendar module (which gives a popup when clicking on an event) is included, however the calendar module's built-in method of using the colorbox module is also supported.


    • Upgraded to D7


    • Changes for better integration with the Video Filter module
    • Defeat the max. execution timeout in mm_media_update_7004().



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