Paul Kinlan created an excellent tool for estimating native browser support. It uses data from, which reports current browser support for web APIs, to determine how many browsers can natively support a site that needs X, Y, and Z features. It is aptly called

It's quite simple: you select a list of web APIs and it reports the overall percentage of browsers that can support your desired feature set. Follow the link, select a few web APIs, and watch the percentage go from 100% (nothing special) to something lower as you add more and more web API requirements. The source code is available on GitHub.

So for a Drupal module.. The module I am imagining would do half of this work for you. If all of your modules are honestly reporting their needs to the Modernizr Drupal API, then it knows what web APIs you need already. The other half, browser support, is determined by you (or your client). It could then be trivial for a Drupal site to have a compatibility page, where it has a living report showing how compatible the site should be across browsers.

We could even have a second page that is a "compatibility for YOUR browser" page, where we just filter by the user's feature detection results. This could possibly be public, almost like a privacy policy. It would be a transparent report that says "your browser will be able to use X% of the features on this site"

For now I'm just documenting my thoughts. I think this should be its own module (I like the name Estimatr), but instead of creating a stub project and all that, I filed the issue here since it's ultimately dependent on the Modernizr module.


klonos’s picture

Interesting feature!

...could be combined with analytics modules like Piwik Web Analytics or Browscap to report to site admins/owners for example "x% of your site visitors cannot use feature x provided by modules x, y z".