I'm trying to add a 'banner' to the site, despite the fact that a banner region is missing in this theme.
The header region seems usable for this purpose, but adding any item to this region appears to disable the ability of the logo to link to the front page.
There is apparently some kind of conflict between the items.


nevets’s picture

A link would help, but what you wrote suggests one of the html elements is covering the logo (note the element may not even be visible without using a browsers inspect tools).

signcasts’s picture

An issue with a HTML element is fairly possible, but I've been unable to spot it myself. Probably just overlooking it.
I've tested with 4 other themes, and a number of different blocks, and it only seems to happen with this theme regardless of the block I use.

Testing site on Pantheon - http://dev-signcasts.gotpantheon.com

nevets’s picture

Can you add a block so the problem is demonstrated?

signcasts’s picture

There is already a block there, but apparently it is only happening when logged in. Weird.

Brian E. Conklin’s picture

Any ideas on this problem? I've moved blocks out of the Header region, but I'd really like to use it.

Here's an interesting piece of information on this problem. It works fine when an anonymous user is browsing the site. However, once a user logs in, then the logo is no longer clickable.

nevets’s picture

You should really add a new forum topic and not add to an old one. Please my initial comment on how I would trouble shoot the issue.

Brian E. Conklin’s picture

I'm commenting and adding input for those troubleshooting this issue. The issue is still listed as open and active in the forum. I believe this is exactly where I should be commenting, and not cluttering up the forums with a duplicate issue.