millennium 7.x-2.0-alpha1

Bug fixes

First alpha release for Drupal 7 2.x branch. Requires MySQL database driver.

Not to be used in production environments. However, testing and feedback is strongly encouraged! Please use the Millennium Integration issue queue to report any observed problems, ask questions, etc.

Changes from 6.x-2.x

The 7.x-2.x branch is functionally-equivalent to the 6.x-2.x branch. There are mild differences (mostly reflecting changes in Drupal core), namely:

  • the administration paths changed from admin/settings/millennium to admin/config/services/millennium. In the admin UI, settings are located under "Configuration > Web Services > Millennium"
  • taxonomy mappings only work if you have created taxonomy reference fields on the target content type.
  • "Millennium CCK" submodule from 6.x-2.x has been renamed to "Millennium field import".

Also, this release includes a bunch of bug fixes and overall code cleanup that is shared with 6.x-2.x-dev (which will make it into 6.x-2.1).


As of this release, all functionality seems to be working, with no observable errors nor warnings.


millennium 7.x-2.x-dev

Development release for 7.x-2.x. (Almost) Functionally equivalent to 6.x-2.x.

millennium 5.x-2.0

New features
Bug fixes

This is the official 2.0 release. Thanks everyone who helped track down and fix bugs!

millennium 6.x-2.0

New features
Bug fixes

This is the official 2.0 release. Thanks everyone who helped track down and fix bugs!

millennium 5.x-2.0-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

This is very close to a final 2.0 release.

New features since ALPHA1:
#763700 by janusman: Added Reduce multiple AJAX requests for holdings widget for single page.
#762816 by janusman: Added Add holdings info to 'Millennium tools' tab.

#784478 by janusman: Fixed Important setting hidden when no vocabularies available: 'Status messages that mean items are available'.
#813012 by janusman: Fixed user_load() called with wrong arguments.
#795448 by janusman: Fixed Use of variable_set() during cron and other places can cause problems.
#807140 by janusman: Changed Secure any paths that enact admin actions.
#807136 by janusman: Fixed Missing options for fields lcc, title parts and others.
#790706 : Anonymous user gets error "drupal_add_css() not defined"
#790920 : Author taxonomy term is the string "Array"

Other fixes:
Removed commented cache_get() call.
Progress messages from same source but different 1000-item batches during batch processing were overwriting each other
Title comparison during cart import did not contemplate unicode entities in {}
Did not account that max_execution_time could be zero, which derailed cart imports
Added missing files in millennium_enrich submodule
Added @ to mb_strpos() to skip error reporting in fringe cases.
Reorganized tests to eliminate unneeded setup (which takes a long time).

millennium 6.x-2.0-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

This is very close to a final 2.0 release.

New features since ALPHA1:
#763700 by janusman: Added Reduce multiple AJAX requests for holdings widget for single page.
#762816 by janusman: Added Add holdings info to 'Millennium tools' tab.

#784478 by janusman: Fixed Important setting hidden when no vocabularies available: 'Status messages that mean items are available'.
#813012 by janusman: Fixed user_load() called with wrong arguments.
#795448 by janusman: Fixed Use of variable_set() during cron and other places can cause problems.
#807140 by janusman: Changed Secure any paths that enact admin actions.
#807136 by janusman: Fixed Missing options for fields lcc, title parts and others.
#790706 : Anonymous user gets error "drupal_add_css() not defined"
#790920 : Author taxonomy term is the string "Array"

Other fixes:
Removed commented cache_get() call.
Progress messages from same source but different 1000-item batches during batch processing were overwriting each other
Title comparison during cart import did not contemplate unicode entities in {}
Did not account that max_execution_time could be zero, which derailed cart imports
Added missing files in millennium_enrich submodule
Added @ to mb_strpos() to skip error reporting in fringe cases.
Reorganized tests to eliminate unneeded setup (which takes a long time).

millennium 5.x-2.x-dev

New features

Branch that backports 6.x-2.x functionality for Drupal 5.

millennium 5.x-1.3

New features
Bug fixes

New features:
* #250753: Add google books links added option to show Google Books links (thanks Tim Spalding!) from item ISBN

millennium 5.x-1.1

New features

This is a much-improved version from the 1.0-ALPHA version, fixing some critical bugs, and adding new features:

millennium 5.x-1.0-alpha

** PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS VERSION; use the DEV version instead! **
This version has problems with the taxonomy system, fixed in the DEV or beta version.

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