migrate 7.x-2.0-beta2

Bug fixes

Migrate 2.0 Beta 2
Features and enhancements

Bug fixes
- #984294 - Migration info pages are blank
- #984336 - Additional fields and vocabularies not reported on migration info page

Migrate 2.0 Beta 1
Version 2 of the Migrate module is an entirely new implementation - it is
pointless to list changes since Migrate 1.

migrate 6.x-2.0-beta1

The Migrate module provides a flexible framework for migrating content into Drupal from other sources (e.g., when converting a web site from another CMS to Drupal). Out-of-the-box, support for creating Drupal nodes, taxonomy terms, comments, and
users are included. Plugins permit migration of other types of content.

Migrate 2 on Drupal 6 requires the autoload (version 2.x) and dbtng modules.

For now, all we offer is documentation by example. Enable the migrate_example module and browse to admin/migrate to see its dashboard. The data for this migration is in migrate_example/beer.inc. Mimic that file in order to specify your own migrations. All imports/rollbacks/etc. are initiated by drush commands.

The Migrate module itself has support for migration into core objects. Support for migration involving contrib modules is in the migrate_extras module. The exception to this is CCK - because the equivalent (Field API) is implemented in core for Drupal 7, to ease maintaining both D6 and D7 implementations of Migrate 2 the CCK support is builtin under Drupal 6.


migrate 7.x-2.0-beta1


The Migrate module provides a flexible framework for migrating content into Drupal from other sources (e.g., when converting a web site from another CMS to Drupal). Out-of-the-box, support for creating Drupal nodes, taxonomy terms, comments, and
users are included. Plugins permit migration of other types of content.

migrate 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Migrate 1.1
Features and enhancements
- #896434 - Removed requirement for Table Wizard.
- #893104 - Relax restriction on reusing views.
- #800144 - Clarify nid field on node migration.
- #733042 - Use machine_name in drush commands.
- #725462 - Add $tblinfo to delete hook.
- #721432 - Update capability added to terms.

migrate 6.x-2.x-dev

New features

A complete rewrite of the Migrate module. This is Independence Day for migrate. No longer do we depend on Views, Schema, and Table Wizard. In order to fetch data from the source tables, one provides a SQL query in your migration code.

Some other highlights:

  • Migrate has modelled itself after Feeds and Ctools. It supports an OO plugin system whereby new sources can be developed (imports from XML files, flat HTML files, etc.) and new destinations (email newsletter subscriptions, ubercart transactions, etc.).
  • Migrate is now a native drush application. Migration status, import, rollback, stop and so on are drush commands. There is no UI right now for importing via the web. We do expect to add that again in a migrate_ui module.
  • All configuration is in code. This makes deployment easy. For now, there is no UI based mapping of columns.
  • Migrate ships with a migrate_example module which is a complete example migration, including sample legacy data. This is our documentation, and it rocks. More tutorial based documentation is expected in the future.

The initial development of Migrate 2 has been sponsored in part by Examiner.com

migrate 6.x-1.0

New features
Bug fixes

Migrate 1.0
Bug fixes
- #712752 - Fix missing semicolons on export
- #704768 - Fix default_value nullability

Migrate 1.0 RC1
Features and enhancements
- #484404 - Basic content set export feature added
- #698178 - Add unique alphanumeric ids to content sets
- #679216, #678378 - Implement hook_migrate_api(), and move contrib module support
to migrate_extras.
- #682762 - Extend separator length

Bug fixes
- #685116 - Missing fields for mapping with missing view argument
- #683402 - Errors saving non-desttype destinations in strict mode

Migrate 1.0 Beta 4
Features and enhancements
- #429306 - Support for content sets designed to update existing objects
Note a slight change to the migrate_fields hook API - the primary key of
destination objects should now be [bracketed]. If you have written any code
to retrieve fields from the hook, you need to be aware of this and will probably
need to strip the brackets.
- #638770 - Add status field to comments
- #661934 - Support for external tables using views/tw dbname.tablename support
- #670838 - Add status to user fields
- #669358 - Add input format to node fields
- #648276 - Help on using external tables as sources
- #661844 - Display PHP config values on settings page
- #661942 - Redirect to dashboard after content set submit

migrate 7.x-2.x-dev

New features
Bug fixes

Next release

Migration developers will need to add the "advanced migration information"
permission to their roles to continue seeing all the info in the UI they're
used to.

Auto-registration (having classes be registered just based on their class name,
with no call to registerMigration or definition in hook_migrate_api()) is no
longer supported. Registration of classes defined in hook_migrate_api() is no
longer automatic - do a drush migrate-register or use the Register button in the
UI to register them.

Migration class constructors should now always accept a $arguments array as
the first parameter and pass it to its parent. This version does support legacy
migrations which pass a group object, or nothing, but that support will be
removed in a future version.

Bug fixes
- #2010884 - Clean up empty default groups on dbupdate.
- #2004296 - Enforce map/message table names with prefixes.
- #2009222 - Properly update map/message tables on a non-default connection.
- #2006158 - Fix warnings on default field handler fields().
- #1999918 - Move permissions to core Migrate module.
- #1999290 - Check that an XMLMigration has actually populated $row->xml.

Migrate 2.6 Beta 1

Features and enhancements
- #1826112 - A new API has been added to support external modules in developing

migrate 6.x-1.0-rc1

New features
Bug fixes

Migrate 1.0 RC1
Features and enhancements
- #484404 - Basic content set export feature added
- #698178 - Add unique alphanumeric ids to content sets
- #679216, #678378 - Implement hook_migrate_api(), and move contrib module support
to migrate_extras.
- #682762 - Extend separator length

Bug fixes
- #685116 - Missing fields for mapping with missing view argument
- #683402 - Errors saving non-desttype destinations in strict mode

Migrate 1.0 Beta 4
Features and enhancements
- #429306 - Support for content sets designed to update existing objects
Note a slight change to the migrate_fields hook API - the primary key of
destination objects should now be [bracketed]. If you have written any code
to retrieve fields from the hook, you need to be aware of this and will probably
need to strip the brackets.
- #638770 - Add status field to comments
- #661934 - Support for external tables using views/tw dbname.tablename support
- #670838 - Add status to user fields
- #669358 - Add input format to node fields
- #648276 - Help on using external tables as sources
- #661844 - Display PHP config values on settings page
- #661942 - Redirect to dashboard after content set submit
- #650472 - Major workflow refactoring, page rearrangement:
Content set list and dashboard pages have been combined.

migrate 6.x-1.0-beta4

New features
Bug fixes

Migrate 1.0 Beta 4
Features and enhancements
- #429306 - Support for content sets designed to update existing objects
Note a slight change to the migrate_fields hook API - the primary key of
destination objects should now be [bracketed]. If you have written any code
to retrieve fields from the hook, you need to be aware of this and will probably
need to strip the brackets.
- #638770 - Add status field to comments
- #661934 - Support for external tables using views/tw dbname.tablename support
- #670838 - Add status to user fields
- #669358 - Add input format to node fields
- #648276 - Help on using external tables as sources
- #661844 - Display PHP config values on settings page
- #661942 - Redirect to dashboard after content set submit
- #650472 - Major workflow refactoring, page rearrangement:
Content set list and dashboard pages have been combined.
UI considerably simplified.
Support for stopping active processes/clearing stuck status flags added to
drush (drush migrate stop) and dashboard page.
Interactive imports now support an update option (previously added to drush with
the --update flag).
Processing functions now recognize if memory usage is approaching the limit and
return cleanly. Interactive runs will automatically start a new batch - drush

migrate 6.x-1.0-beta3

New features
Bug fixes

Migrate 1.0 Beta 3
- #430100 - Fix to filefield support
- #576330 - Cleanup of comment migration
- #392404 - More simpletest work.
- #579064 - Fixed semaphore handling.
- #579068 - Added a toggle to control cron processing. Note that it defaults to on for
existing installations, but off for new installations.
- #572896 - Fix xlat support (mapping of source URLs to Drupal URLs)
- #567686 - Fixed sorting, tweaked layout of content set listing
- #531474 - Support for comment parent IDs
- #546398 - Drush improvements - message and timer logging
- #572670 - Drush - import specific IDs
- #568558 - Support for datetime fields
- #430100 - Filefield support
Validation functions for content set creation/editing.
Fixed a couple of annoying notices.

Migrate 1.0 Beta 2
- #566562 - Objects not being passed by reference to prepare and complete hooks
- #566588 - Provide public API functions for map and message table names.
_migrate_map_table_name() and _migrate_message_table_name() are now

Migrate 1.0 Beta 1


If you have been using a pre-beta version of the migrate module, please note that
shortly before the release of beta 1 some refactoring was done that requires manual attention.

Updating from a version before 2009/08/23:

migrate 6.x-1.0-beta2

Bug fixes

Migrate 1.0 Beta 2
- #566562 - Objects not being passed by reference to prepare and complete hooks
- #566588 - Provide public API functions for map and message table names.
_migrate_map_table_name() and _migrate_message_table_name() are now

Migrate 1.0 Beta 1


If you have been using a development version of the migrate module, please note that
shortly before the release of beta 1 some refactoring was done that requires manual attention.

migrate 6.x-1.0-beta1

New features

Migrate 1.0 Beta 1


If you have been using a development version of the migrate module, please note that
shortly before the release of beta 1 some refactoring was done that requires manual attention.

Updating from a version before 2009/08/23:


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