My feed looks great thanks to the recent update of the module but I have one more question. I am drawing this feed over to another site using Feed API and element feed mapper. I have posted about this question in that queue too but I want to double check on this end too. When the feed grabs my dates which are set by the CCK Date module, are the dates supposed to end up in a description tag? I just realized that was happening and I'm at a loss as to how to map the dates to their own individual CCK field now that they are all printed out in the description tag.......

Anyway, Just wanted to know if what I'm seeing on my screen is normal.



Microbe’s picture

This now creates what would normally be processed as the feed I believe. Anything sent to the feed by drupal is processed and shown.
This would be something to either talk about with the dates module and/or with feed element mapper I think. The best way of doing it would be to put the data in its own tag which, if it is possible option, should be done by the dates module.


beckyjohnson’s picture

Thanks, for the feedback. I will ask about this in the date issue queue and element mapper queue next.
