This is the Drupal 8 module to bulk upload files and create the media
entities automatically for them. It uses DropzoneJS
to quickly upload multiple files.

The module is based on the media_upload form, but the main difference is that this module offers configurable forms with the option to show media form fields.

How to install:

1. Download this module, and DropzoneJS.
2. Make sure you follow the install instructions of DropzoneJS.
3. Install media_bulk_upload the usual way.

You will now have the media bulk upload configuration at your disposal.
Just go to the /admin/config/media/media-bulk-config page and
configure a media bulk upload form. After creating the configuration you
can go to /media/bulk-upload and use your configured

Maximum file size is currently determined based on the selected media
type with the highest maximum upload size.

To configure the fields that are shown on the bulk upload form for the
media, just configure the form mode chosen in your configuration for
each media type. It has a fallback to the default form if the selected
mode is not found in one of the media types. The fields are then shown
based on the fact that they are shared between all the selected media
types in the configured bulk upoad form.

Future plans:

- Test coverage.
- Max file size validation handling per media type on upload.
- Handling other types of upload validations
(min/max resolution, min size,...).

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
