
I had an issue when non-administrators wanted to create a campaign from a node. The List-ID was not send due to form restrictions.
I've added the following code, which solved my problem, at the bottom of the mcc_settings_form_validate function in mcc.settings.inc

if($values['list_id'] == '') {
	 $form_state['values']['mcc']['list_id'] = $defaults ? $defaults['list_id'] : -1;

Best regards


firfin’s picture

I had the same problem. Unfortunately I wasn't able to solve it with the code provided in the initiating post.
However, setting the 'administer mailchimp' permission from the mailchimp(api) module for the non-admin role solved the problems for me.
Seems like there is a problem in (or a mismatch between MCC and) that module.