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This module makes it easy to use Material ScrollTop Button within a Drupal 7 site.

Similar modules


  • PHP 5.6+
  • jQuery 1.7+

jQuery plugin "Material ScrollTop Button" depends on jQuery >= 1.7.

Drupal 7 is shipped with jQuery 1.4.4 and you need to replace it with jQuery >= 1.7. You can do that easily by using jQuery update module.

Necessary modules

If you use Drush to install Material ScrollTop Button module, these modules are installed automatically.


  1. Install the necessary modules listed above.
  2. Change jQuery version to 1.7+ in your Drupal site.
  3. Install Material ScrollTop Button module.
  4. Download jQuery plugin Material ScrollTop Button.
  5. Configure the module settings.
  6. (Optional) Adjust the style of the button.

You can use the following Drush command for the step 4.

$ drush libraries-download material_scrolltop

The step 5 and 6 can be done in the admin page (/admin/config/user-interface/material-scrolltop).

You must be able to see the button after the step 5.


You can use this module in 2 ways.

  1. Use only library definition
  2. Use library definition and Add the button into page

1. Use only library definition

You use only the library definition of Material ScrollTop library. In this case, you can/must insert the button into pages by yourself.

2. Use library definition and Add the button into page

You use both the library definition and actual logic to insert the button into pages. You need to enable the button and configure the settings in the setting page (/admin/config/user-interface/material-scrolltop).

Please check the in the module directory for more information.


You can check the animated gif displayed in this page (click the second image).

Implemented hook functions (for developers)

Here is a list of all the hook functions this module implements.

  • Drupal core
    • hook_init()
    • hook_menu()
    • hook_permission()
    • hook_requirements()
    • hook_uninstall()
  • Libraries API
    • hook_libraries_info()

(If you're familiar with Drupal module development, a list of implemented hook functions will help to grasp what a module does and doesn't, I believe)

Found an issue?

If you've found an issue on this module, please don't hesitate to use d.o. issue queue.

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