
The login_destination module works pretty well for my common use cases except for those sites where i'm using Drupal Commerce with the Commerce Checkout Redirect module. This module forces an anomymous user who wants to go to checkout to login or create a new account on the website and, after that, the user is redirected to the checkout process. But, if login_destination is enabled, the redirection rules of the login_destination module don't take this into account and the user is no longer redirected to the checkout process.

The integration with the Commerce Checkout Redirect module shouldn't be very hard because that module adds a property in the user account when it should be redirected to the checkout process. But, to make it work, the login_destination module, should take into account if there is a pending redirection in $form_state['redirect'] before calling login_destination_perform_redirect('login'); in the login_destination_submit function. Let me know if I can help with that (I've had to make the two modules work together by patching both of them).


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