linodef 6.x-1.0-rc5

Bug fixes

Main new features since rc3:

  • usage of CCK field formatter to embed all type of fields and enabling alteration of their appearance depending on their formatters
  • new user interface for an intuitive creation of taglists
  • added support of WYSIWYG

Changelog since rc4 (bugfixes):

  • Fixed additional forms recognized as option in linodef_taglists admin.
  • Fixed error message on taglist management page if db contains no taglists.
  • Fixed wrong field properties for description in linodef_taglists db scheme.
  • #662592 by hefox: Fixed deprecated warning ignoring message level.

When updating from rc4 then deactivate modules and uninstall Linodef taglists at /admin/build/modules/uninstall. Otherwise the db scheme fix of rc5 can't be applied.

Changelog since rc3:

  • #637662 by hefox, Roi Danton: Added tracking of processes to prevent duplicated messages and multiple execution of token_replace. Configurable title heeds now the 'title' set by option 'attributes'.
  • Fixed loading of the wysiwyg plugin object. Now only those objects with a corresponding taglist are loaded.
  • Fixed wysiwyg Javascript.

linodef 6.x-1.0-rc4

New features

Main new features:

  • usage of CCK field formatter to embed all type of fields and enabling alteration of their appearance depending on their formatters
  • new user interface for an intuitive creation of taglists
  • added support of WYSIWYG

Changelog since rc3:

  • #637662 by hefox, Roi Danton: Added tracking of processes to prevent duplicated messages and multiple execution of token_replace. Configurable title heeds now the 'title' set by option 'attributes'.
  • Fixed loading of the wysiwyg plugin object. Now only those objects with a corresponding taglist are loaded.
  • Fixed wysiwyg Javascript.
  • Added the instance ID of the editor calling the taglist popup window to the paths.
  • #637662 by hefox: Added configurable title text.
  • #334520 by Roi Danton: Added module Linodef WYSIWYG which incorporates a plugin that uses the taglists in WYSIWYG editors. Javascript needs work.
  • #560042 by Roi Danton: Added option attributes to attach custom HTML attributes to embedded HTML tags.
  • #619166 by Roi Danton: Changed preg replace function to avoid escaping of '.

linodef 6.x-1.0-rc3

New features

New features and major changes:
- Views can be embedded or linked.
- Views can be used to create buttons.
- Options now have values with a wide support of characters.
- Popup windows now using Drupal cache instead of variables.

Heed the following if upgrading from rc2:
* Linking to nodes using an own text with the syntax <#nid>Text</#> is marked as deprecated (it is still supported). Instead use the new option linktext="your text".
* Option values are now encircled by double quotes ". So you may use almost every 8bit character in option values (except double quote "). Therefore when you already use translation=en you should change it to translation="en" (the old syntax without double quotes is still supported but marked as deprecated).
* The german translation (documentation and module texts) hasn't been updated from rc2 due to workload adjustements. The german translation will be updated upon the Linodef 1.0 final release.

Changelist since rc2:
- Updated documentation.
#510882 by Roi Danton: Fixed wrong arguments in hook_theme of Buttons API.
- Added classes to each filtered link.
- Changed autocomplete data caching from variables to cache table.
- Changed Buttons API tag option to path conversion to hex so tag options may contain every valid character, now.

linodef 6.x-1.0-rc2

New features

Many new features have introduced since last release. Therefore heed the following if upgrading from rc1:
* the layout of the tags has change to a more flexible structure hence your old term and no link tags won't work anymore (for node and field tags there is no difference)
* deactivate all Linodef modules, delete the linodef folder in your modules directory and upload the new linodef folder from rc2 (since Button API got an own submodule and BUEditor submodule got renamed)

Changes since rc1:
#329424 by Roi Danton: Added autocomplete and list popup window.
- Added new submodule: Excluded the API from the default Linodef module due to its new requirements and created Linodef Buttons API.
- Renamed folder for submodule BUEditor Buttons to from linodef_bueditor to linodef_buttons_bueditor.
- Renamed submodule Linodef BUEditor Buttons to Linodef Buttons - BUEditor.
#329424 by Roi Danton: Changed code for the BUEditor Buttons to include the button types. Upgrade the code of your BUEditor Buttons! (see help or cvs files included into the submodule)
#335438 by Roi Danton: Added support for CCKs Content Permissions.
#335433 by Roi Danton: Added "pass-through" of filtered layout of embedded fields.
#329424 by Roi Danton: Added stylesheet for popup/autocomplete windows of Buttons API.
#329424 by Roi Danton: Added explanation inside popup/autocomplete windows.

linodef 6.x-1.x-dev

Development snapshot. Use only if it were recommended in an issue. Use it in a development installation only. When updating from a previous release then deactivate the Linodef modules completely and delete the whole Linodef folder before installing the new version.

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