jwysiwyg 6.x-2.0-rc1

New features

Configuration settings are now functional and the module can be fully configured. If no bugs appear in the following weeks the code will be set as stable and a first "release" will be published. No documentation nor further translation will be done until that time.

Note: Remember to grant administration permissions to the user(s) who need to be able to administer this module.

jwysiwyg 6.x-2.0-beta3

Bug fixes

Due to a conflict with the drupal CSS caching routines, the CSS file and the buttons background image were moved into the module's root folder.

A minified version of the JS file was included, will be selectable in the next release.

Note: If you already had installed the BETA2 of this package, be sure to manually delete the css and gif files of the jwysiwyg/js folder, no automated updates procedures will be implemented during the beta.

jwysiwyg 6.x-2.0-beta2

New features

- Now the jWYSIWYG plugin is shown in each textarea available.
- The uncompressed js file is added.
- A minor change was made to the css file in order to avoid a conflict with a pre-existing drupal LI style.

jwysiwyg 6.x-2.0-beta1

New features

- POT and spanish PO files added.
- TXT files (readme, license, etc.) added.
- Module settings added and working

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