Displaying 351 - 400 of 1700
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Can't login as admin / admin after D7 drush site-install Closed (won't fix) Minor Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Core Commands 8 10 years 7 months 13 years 4 months
More specific pm-refresh help Closed (won't fix) Minor Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Documentation 3 10 years 7 months jonhattan 13 years 4 months
si --sites-subdir results in empty database Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Core Commands 4 10 years 7 months 13 years 4 months
Undefined property: stdClass::$status in drush_pm_enable Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev PM (dl, en, up ...) 11 10 years 7 months jonhattan 13 years 4 months
DIfferent profile but default Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Core Commands 5 10 years 7 months 13 years 5 months
CentOS 5.4 - Double "single quotes" in includes/table.inc Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 3 10 years 7 months 13 years 6 months
Please update your Drupal 6 installation to the most recent version Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Core Commands 3 10 years 7 months 13 years 6 months
Static variables persist using Drush's batch api Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Core Commands 3 10 years 7 months 13 years 7 months
Do not load user 0 from the database in drush_drupal_login Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Miscellaneous 18 10 years 7 months 13 years 7 months
Drush's cache clear on updb is different than cache-clear all Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 3 10 years 7 months 13 years 7 months
drush updatedb does something different to update.php (causes d6 -> d7 upgrade to fail) Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 2 10 years 7 months 13 years 8 months
drush showing help menu, but will not run command Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Miscellaneous 2 10 years 7 months 13 years 8 months
pm-enable: ... undefined function system_rebuild_module_data() in [redacted]/.drush/drush/commands/core/drupal/environment_7.inc Closed (won't fix) Major Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 2 10 years 7 months 13 years 8 months
dev release recommended Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev PM (dl, en, up ...) 2 10 years 7 months 13 years 9 months
File permissions in tarball ignored for non-root Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 2 10 years 7 months 13 years 9 months
'--simulate' ignored and '--yes' implied with 'update' command Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 5 10 years 7 months 13 years 10 months
SVN checks over-eger when updating core Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 2 10 years 7 months 13 years 10 months
Core update deletes core .po files Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 2 10 years 7 months 13 years 10 months
"help drush" is OK but "drush help" return "ERROR: A server error has occured. Check your command." Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 1 10 years 7 months 13 years 11 months
drush updb removes themes under /profiles from the system table Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev PM (dl, en, up ...) 11 10 years 7 months 13 years 11 months
Updating a module through Drush disables default theme Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev PM (dl, en, up ...) 6 10 years 7 months 13 years 12 months
Nevermind...here is the debug Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Documentation 7 10 years 7 months 14 years 1 week
Cache can interfere with table selection in sql-sync Closed (won't fix) Major Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 2 10 years 7 months greg.1.anderson 14 years 1 week
"Drush command could not be completed" without SimpleXML Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 4 10 years 7 months 14 years 2 weeks
PHP Notice: Undefined index: in includes/theme. inc on line 59 Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Miscellaneous 2 10 years 7 months 14 years 1 month
drush cron throws numerous errors, web cron does not Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev PM (dl, en, up ...) 7 10 years 7 months 14 years 2 months
drush doesn't check status of administration theme Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 5 10 years 7 months 14 years 5 months
Register globals detection Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Miscellaneous 7 10 years 7 months 14 years 5 months
codeupdate svnsync leaves svn in an inconsistent state when an existing file is renamed only changing case. Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 2 10 years 7 months 14 years 6 months
On Drupal 6 update a theme from profile is disabled Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 4 10 years 7 months adrian 14 years 7 months
The drush_verify_cli() function is not completely reliable as it returns false positives in some situations Closed (won't fix) Minor Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 17 10 years 7 months kotnik 14 years 8 months
Fatal error: Call to undefined function conf_path() with D6.25/PHP5.2 in Panels directory Closed (duplicate) Minor Bug report 7.x-5.x-dev Base system (internal API) 11 10 years 7 months 12 years 1 month
config-import is broken due to removal of config_sync_get_changes Closed (duplicate) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Config 5 10 years 8 months 10 years 10 months
Various issues noticed with outputformats Closed (duplicate) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Documentation 5 10 years 8 months greg.1.anderson 10 years 11 months
In Drupal 8, drush cc menu gives "function 'menu_rebuild' not found or invalid function name" error Closed (fixed) Major Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Core Commands 10 10 years 8 months 11 years 9 months
Can't get Drupal core or modules to update, backups are auto-restored for no apparent reason Closed (won't fix) Major Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev PM (dl, en, up ...) 11 10 years 8 months 12 years 2 months
Add --simulate support to updatedb command and logging Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 3 10 years 8 months 15 years 6 days
drush sql-sync to multiple databases Closed (won't fix) Minor Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Core Commands 6 10 years 8 months greg.1.anderson 12 years 6 months
Drush 6.0-dev does not work in MINGW32 on Windows 7 Closed (works as designed) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Config 8 10 years 8 months 11 years 1 month
drush_get_projects() does not properly load project status url in rare cases Closed (duplicate) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev PM (dl, en, up ...) 12 10 years 8 months 10 years 9 months
Drush help uses less than half the available terminal window width when formatting output Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Core Commands 5 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
CSV example using \n as list-item-separator in docs-output-formats topic Closed (duplicate) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 1 10 years 8 months greg.1.anderson 10 years 9 months
Topic text for key-value and string output formats is unclear Closed (duplicate) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 1 10 years 8 months greg.1.anderson 10 years 9 months
Infinite loop when trying to enable not available extensions Closed (duplicate) Major Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev PM (dl, en, up ...) 6 10 years 8 months jonhattan 10 years 11 months
archive dump ard puts default.settings.php into the archive twice which errors on archive restore arr Closed (fixed) Major Bug report 7.x-5.x-dev Core Commands 19 10 years 8 months 12 years 3 weeks
backup dir points to a non-existing path Closed (duplicate) Normal Bug report 7.x-5.7 Core Commands 2 10 years 8 months 11 years 6 months
More robust verson check in outputformatTest Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev Base system (internal API) 3 10 years 8 months greg.1.anderson 10 years 9 months
custom remote commands fail Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.0-rc4 Base system (internal API) 4 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Error when running drush up Closed (duplicate) Normal Bug report 7.x-5.8 Core Commands 11 10 years 8 months 12 years 2 weeks
Overlapping jobs - files getting clobbered in sql-sync? Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 8.x-6.x-dev SQL 19 10 years 8 months greg.1.anderson 10 years 9 months


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