Displaying 16301 - 16350 of 21207
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Improve installation language requirement descriptions and offline detection Needs work Major Task 11.x-dev install system 87 7 years 3 months 11 years 2 months
Add test coverage for enabling/disabling base fields on MessageForm Needs work Minor Task 11.x-dev contact.module 25 7 years 3 months Berdir 8 years 7 months
Contact form submission message should exist by default. Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev contact.module 28 7 years 3 months 7 years 8 months
Standardize basic content entity form logic in ContentEntityForm Active Normal Task 11.x-dev entity system 17 7 years 3 months 7 years 4 months
The entity.query service name is very confusing Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev entity system 51 7 years 3 months 10 years 4 months
Add a form_unset_error function [D7] Postponed Normal Task 7.x-dev forms system 9 7 years 3 months 8 years 2 months
Sorting on Unformatted View Style Active Normal Feature request 7.x-dev views.module 7 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
Unable to put unicode characters in #attributes Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev render system 14 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
DatabaseSchema_mysql -> tableExists returns false possitives Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev database system 3 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
SelectionInterface::entityQueryAlter() is not invoked when using the ViewsSelection ER handler Needs work Major Task 11.x-dev views.module 24 7 years 3 months 8 years 2 months
Creating of the In-Place editor for the 404 pages. Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev base system 15 7 years 3 months 11 years 9 months
Autocomplete with trailing space Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev javascript 6 7 years 3 months 12 years 9 months
Compile UI (Text) Standards for module developers Active Major Plan 11.x-dev user interface text 25 7 years 3 months 7 years 10 months
Views link attributes to have dialog-type and dialog-options Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev views.module 9 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
Validate file instances in Text Editor fliters Postponed Normal Feature request 11.x-dev editor.module 15 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
Instead of initalizing two entity translation objects when viewing/editing an entity translation load the entity directly into the current content language Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev entity system 20 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
File field multiple use Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev field system 3 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
Add required empty field values validation to field_default_validate() Needs work Normal Feature request 7.x-dev field system 8 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
[meta] Determine whether run-tests.sh can trigger and report phantomjs and phpcs results Active Major Plan 11.x-dev base system 29 7 years 3 months 8 years 2 months
Confusing API docs for hook functions Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev documentation 14 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
Add field (machine) name to Add field selection window Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev views.module 16 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
Add field label overrides for forms and displays Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev field system 14 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
Basic auth returns 403 when username & password supplied but not needed. Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev basic_auth.module 12 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
TranslatableInterface::getDefaultTranslationLanguage and ::geDefaultTranslationLangcode for direct access to the default translation language Needs work Normal Feature request 11.x-dev entity system 17 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
Content entities overviews list standard Active Normal Task 11.x-dev entity system 14 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
Edge case drupal_get_schema checks a protected array. Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev bootstrap system 3 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
Core tests cannot work with external cache backends because cache backend are statically cached and not resettable Needs review Normal Bug report 7.x-dev cache system 13 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
Missing test coverage in file_unmanaged_save_data Active Normal Task 11.x-dev file system 15 7 years 3 months 7 years 10 months
hook_file_download() example breaks other modules files Active Normal Task 7.x-dev documentation 4 7 years 3 months 7 years 4 months
Add test ensuring LanguageNegotiationContentEntity is correctly processing the query options Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev language system 33 7 years 3 months 8 years 5 months
Display variants are missing a generic schema Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev plugin system 16 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
Aggregation handler override causes schema errors Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev views.module 18 7 years 3 months 7 years 4 months
Delete all config fields defined be a module on the uninstall page Active Normal Task 11.x-dev field system 14 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later. Needs review Normal Support request 7.x-dev taxonomy.module 11 7 years 3 months 9 years 6 months
registry rebuild can cause a variable_initialize() loop Needs review Normal Bug report 7.x-dev bootstrap system 2 7 years 4 months 7 years 4 months
registry rebuild can cause a menu_rebuild() loop Needs review Normal Bug report 7.x-dev menu system 2 7 years 4 months 7 years 4 months
Replace \Drupal:: with $this->container->get() in test classes of Basic Auth module Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev basic_auth.module 18 7 years 4 months Swetha Yarla 8 years 2 weeks
Add a way to identify module/theme/profile names as unique translation strings Active Normal Task 11.x-dev system.module 15 7 years 4 months 7 years 4 months
theme_disable() allows the default theme to be disabled Needs review Minor Bug report 7.x-dev theme system 6 7 years 4 months bkosborne 7 years 5 months
Optimize user_view('compact') in template_preprocess_node() Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev user.module 85 7 years 4 months catch 11 years 4 months
Linkable fields in Views should support routes Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev views.module 14 7 years 4 months 10 years 1 month
Refactor machine-name.js Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev javascript 85 7 years 4 months 11 years 9 months
IE 8 sometimes breaks on AJAX form submit Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev ajax system 1 7 years 4 months 7 years 4 months
Add a 'group by display column' checkbox to 'manage form' Needs work Normal Feature request 11.x-dev field_ui.module 20 7 years 4 months tkoleary 7 years 4 months
Undefined index: upscale in image_scale_dimensions() & Undefined index: height in image_scale_dimensions() Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Bug report 7.x-dev image system 2 7 years 4 months 7 years 4 months
Node created date changes on node update Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Bug report 7.x-dev node system 6 7 years 4 months 7 years 4 months
New _drupal_get_filename_fallback and non php-template theme engines litter the watchdog logs Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev extension system 9 7 years 4 months 7 years 9 months
Add test for views support for revision_user and revision_created fields in EntityViewsData Active Normal Task 11.x-dev views.module 21 7 years 4 months 7 years 11 months
Entity Display UI - multiple item editing (hide/enable) Active Minor Feature request 11.x-dev field system 15 7 years 4 months 7 years 4 months
Undefined index in block_page_build() since upgrading to drupal 7.52/7.53 Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev block.module 11 7 years 4 months 7 years 4 months


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