Displaying 68701 - 68750 of 111706
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Resize is not working after publishing Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 7.22 image system 3 10 years 6 months thecode 10 years 6 months
Remove confusing log messages (Language module) Closed (fixed) Normal Task 8.0.x-dev language system 2 10 years 6 months 10 years 11 months
Add route to resolve update.php path Closed (fixed) Major Task 8.0.x-dev system.module 4 10 years 6 months 10 years 6 months
Reconcile State API + #states API naming Active Normal Task 11.x-dev other 25 10 years 6 months 11 years 6 months
Create hook_help for telephone module Closed (fixed) Critical Task 8.0.x-dev telephone.module 26 10 years 6 months 10 years 7 months
Convert locale_translate_english variable to CMI Closed (fixed) Critical Task 8.0.x-dev locale.module 47 10 years 6 months 10 years 11 months
Convert locale_custom_strings_* to settings Closed (fixed) Critical Task 8.0.x-dev locale.module 40 10 years 6 months 11 years 1 week
Case (in)sensitivity for config entity query Closed (fixed) Major Bug report 8.0.x-dev entity system 10 10 years 6 months 10 years 6 months
Unable to filter view by taxonomy terms Closed (cannot reproduce) Normal Bug report 8.0.x-dev views_ui.module 2 10 years 6 months 10 years 9 months
Move FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED constaint to the Field definition interface Closed (duplicate) Normal Task 8.0.x-dev typed data system 3 10 years 6 months 10 years 6 months
Clarify Cron Functionality Closed (duplicate) Normal Feature request 7.0 cron system 1 10 years 6 months 13 years 2 weeks
Shorten teaser title in blogbuzz / drupal 7 Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 7.0-rc4 node.module 2 10 years 6 months 12 years 11 months
User permissions: select all Closed (won't fix) Normal Feature request 7.0-alpha6 user system 2 10 years 6 months 13 years 7 months
Save human readable module name to {system} for module_list() Closed (works as designed) Normal Feature request 7.x-dev base system 2 10 years 6 months 15 years 6 months
Modules in admin(modules/list should be collapsed by default Closed (works as designed) Normal Feature request 7.7 base system 2 10 years 6 months 12 years 8 months
A weight system for drupal_set_title() and drupal_set_breadcumb() Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 7.x-dev base system 2 10 years 6 months 15 years 12 months
Allow developers or contrib modules can force the browser to refresh css or js when aggregation is used Closed (fixed) Normal Feature request 7.x-dev base system 2 10 years 6 months 13 years 6 months
Submitting any form when pressing enter Closed (works as designed) Normal Feature request 7.x-dev forms system 2 10 years 6 months 13 years 5 months
D7: Install "Set up database" Starting over Closed (won't fix) Normal Feature request 7.x-dev other 2 10 years 6 months 14 years 3 months
Change version numbers to timestamp Closed (won't fix) Normal Feature request 7.x-dev database update system 1 10 years 6 months 13 years 5 months
Redundant '+' buttons (local tasks) Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 8.0.x-dev menu system 3 10 years 6 months 10 years 6 months
Wrongs css order because of weight calculation Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev CSS 1 10 years 6 months 10 years 6 months
AJAX dblog update Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 7.x-dev dblog.module 1 10 years 6 months 14 years 5 months
Error logging popup alert window when error is logged Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 6.x-dev watchdog.module 1 10 years 6 months 13 years 2 weeks
Move custom help settings to blocks Closed (works as designed) Normal Task 8.0.x-dev block.module 78 10 years 6 months 16 years 4 weeks
Form arrays of names in 'values' could be converted to array like PHP does on submit Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 7.x-dev forms system 3 10 years 6 months 15 years 3 months
DrupalTestCase::errorHandler() does not accept E_DEPRECATED or E_USER_DEPRECATED (introduced in PHP 5.3) Closed (duplicate) Normal Bug report 7.x-dev simpletest.module 5 10 years 6 months 10 years 6 months
Undefined function update_variables_to_config() in hook_install() Closed (works as designed) Normal Bug report 8.0.x-dev configuration system 6 10 years 6 months 11 years 2 weeks
Remove system_settings_form() and related functions/documentation Closed (won't fix) Normal Task 8.0.x-dev system.module 3 10 years 6 months 11 years 2 months
Don't delete staging files which could not be processed. Closed (won't fix) Normal Feature request 8.0.x-dev configuration system 9 10 years 6 months 11 years 3 months
Figure out a nice DX when working with injected translation Closed (fixed) Major Task 8.0.x-dev language system 58 10 years 6 months 10 years 10 months
config() "on not found" behaviour flag is necessary Closed (won't fix) Normal Task 8.0.x-dev configuration system 4 10 years 6 months 11 years 4 months
Move permission assignments into a $role->permissions property on the UserRole entity. Closed (won't fix) Normal Task 8.0.x-dev user system 2 10 years 6 months 11 years 4 months
config.inc cleanups Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.0.x-dev configuration system 14 10 years 6 months 11 years 5 months
BulkFormBase plugin is in system, but parent is in views Closed (duplicate) Normal Bug report 8.0.x-dev system.module 1 10 years 6 months 10 years 6 months
create a way to back out of unintentional / unsupported active config changes Closed (won't fix) Normal Task 8.0.x-dev configuration system 9 10 years 6 months 11 years 6 months
Replacements to deleted image styles can not be deployed through the configuration system Closed (won't fix) Normal Task 8.0.x-dev image system 5 10 years 6 months 11 years 6 months
Sanitize the arguments of config('system.module') Closed (won't fix) Normal Feature request 8.0.x-dev configuration system 1 10 years 6 months 11 years 7 months
Hard-coded and enforced language support for entities conflicts with Language as a ConfigEntity Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.0.x-dev entity system 6 10 years 6 months 11 years 7 months
Move DatabaseStorage into testing Closed (won't fix) Normal Task 8.0.x-dev configuration system 8 10 years 6 months 11 years 7 months
Add dedicated tests for Config\StorageInterface::encode() and ::decode() Closed (won't fix) Normal Task 8.0.x-dev configuration system 3 10 years 6 months 11 years 7 months
Incorporate config "defer" algorithm into module hook system? Closed (won't fix) Normal Task 8.0.x-dev base system 1 10 years 6 months 11 years 11 months
Make config_prefix always contain a trailing dot Closed (duplicate) Normal Task 8.0.x-dev configuration entity system 4 10 years 6 months 11 years 2 months
Getting AJAX Error when handling ajax request in hook_form_alter where form element has #element_validate that comes from a them Patch (to be ported) Normal Bug report 7.x-dev ajax system 20 10 years 6 months 12 years 7 months
Information about the author is still visible (while I have it off in settings) Closed (duplicate) Normal Bug report 8.0-alpha4 node system 1 10 years 6 months 10 years 6 months
Improve node API's developer experience Closed (won't fix) Normal Bug report 8.0.x-dev node system 32 10 years 6 months 15 years 1 week
Improve default user picture interface Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev user.module 24 10 years 6 months Dave Reid 15 years 7 months
Configuration names do not always begin with the extension that actually owns the configuration Closed (won't fix) Major Bug report 8.0.x-dev configuration system 37 10 years 6 months 11 years 1 month
Write tests for simple configuration deployment scenario Closed (fixed) Critical Task 8.0.x-dev configuration system 17 10 years 6 months 10 years 6 months
obsolete D6 code in Batch API documentation Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev documentation 5 10 years 6 months 10 years 11 months


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