Displaying 401 - 450 of 8599
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
active-link.js should use CSS.escape Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev javascript 6 2 weeks 3 days 6 months 4 days
Datetime and Datelist elements should render as fieldsets Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev theme system 76 2 weeks 3 days 4 years 7 months
Bug when editing two translations simultaneously - data loss Active Major Bug report 10.2.x-dev language system 2 2 weeks 3 days 2 weeks 3 days
Call to a member function isTranslatable() on null in Drupal\Core\Field\FieldConfigBase->isTranslatable() Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev base system 4 2 weeks 3 days 2 years 4 months
For a view displaying an optional field, 'hide if empty' doesn't work where a node matches the view query but the field is empty Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev views.module 21 2 weeks 3 days 6 years 3 months
Unable to change language name Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Major Bug report 8.9.x-dev language system 13 2 weeks 3 days 5 years 12 months
Adding and altering entity types and fields in update hooks can lead to broken sites Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Bug report 11.x-dev entity system 20 2 weeks 3 days 6 years 5 months
Base path for attachment summary view broken Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev views.module 13 2 weeks 2 days 4 years 11 months
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'style') (toolbar.js) Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev toolbar.module 28 2 weeks 4 days 4 months 1 week
Email inputs must have directionality set to LTR Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Bug report 11.x-dev base system 27 2 weeks 4 days 15 years 2 months
Configuration translation updating locale strings after the source string has changed Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Bug report 11.x-dev language system 17 2 weeks 4 days 8 years 6 months
Drop #attributes default from form_builder() Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Bug report 11.x-dev forms system 29 2 weeks 4 days 13 years 3 months
GeneratedLink should be immutable since it has both cacheable metadata and implements MarkupInterface Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Bug report 11.x-dev base system 18 2 weeks 4 days 8 years 6 months
field_info_max_weight() deals with display extra fields incorrectly Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Bug report 11.x-dev field system 35 2 weeks 4 days 12 years 11 months
if t() string has fallback language in another text direction, bidi should be added Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Bug report 11.x-dev locale.module 23 2 weeks 4 days 9 years 7 months
Configuration language is not adjusted after changing the site default language Active Critical Bug report 11.x-dev language system 16 2 weeks 4 days 1 year 2 months
DX for translatable entities: Exception when omitting the "data_table" for entity types Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev entity system 25 2 weeks 4 days 5 years 2 months
Security Update Messages take a long time to be displayed Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Bug report 11.x-dev update.module 17 2 weeks 5 days 10 years 1 month
Umami page.tpl.php breaks #create_placeholder for blocks Active Major Bug report 11.x-dev Umami demo 4 2 weeks 5 days 2 weeks 5 days
Redirect correct language page after node save Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev node system 27 2 weeks 5 days 4 years 5 months
Incorrect content-length header breaks HTTP/2 with net::err_http2_protocol_error Active Major Bug report 11.x-dev asset library system 42 2 weeks 5 days 2 months 3 weeks
Importing config on a newly installed site with non-english default language gives error because of default language overwrite Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev configuration system 23 2 weeks 5 days 7 years 2 months
Confusion between "Use existing configuration" vs install profile Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev install system 2 2 weeks 5 days 2 weeks 5 days
NodeGrantDatabaseStorage removes records with null left join Active Normal Bug report 10.2.x-dev node system 5 2 weeks 5 days 2 months 2 days
views no results behavior on field level is not translateable Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev views.module 22 2 weeks 5 days 4 years 3 months
Column information not available for computed field Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev views.module 10 2 weeks 6 days 3 weeks 23 hours
Relationship handler entity_reverse broken for basefield with cardinality 1 Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev views.module 4 2 weeks 6 days 2 weeks 6 days
UI fatal caused by views argument handlers no longer can provide their own default argument handling Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev views.module 209 2 weeks 6 days Carlos Romero 9 years 8 months
Using the back button after logging out shows you pages from the authenticated user's session Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev base system 51 2 weeks 6 days 11 years 2 months
Block Layout & Place Block pages are unsafe due to XSS vulnerabilities in title and category fields Needs work Minor Bug report 11.x-dev block.module 6 2 weeks 6 days 2 weeks 6 days
Unable to create a view with a path /themes Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev base system 26 2 weeks 6 days 8 years 1 month
Content translation: Site breaks on adding content translations Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Bug report 9.4.x-dev content_translation.module 6 2 weeks 6 days 3 weeks 23 hours
'Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML' remove custom allowed HTML Tags Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Bug report 11.x-dev ckeditor5.module 17 2 weeks 6 days 7 years 4 months
Radios element missing "required" attribute Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev render system 79 2 weeks 6 days 6 years 1 month
Layout Builder attempts to builds section to determine if it is disabled Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev layout_builder.module 40 2 weeks 6 days 4 years 10 months
Adding too many Views blocks to a Layout Builder page in Drupal 10.2 can break Ajax Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Bug report 10.2.x-dev layout_builder.module 8 2 weeks 6 days 3 weeks 21 hours
The calculated machine is not synced when the source value is defined and the machine name is empty. Active Normal Bug report 10.2.x-dev forms system 3 2 weeks 6 days 2 weeks 6 days
Batch set processing triggerable via CSRF Active Major Bug report 11.x-dev batch system 2 2 weeks 6 days 2 weeks 6 days
taxonomy_tid ViewsArgumentDefault plugin doesn't add cache tags Needs work Normal Bug report 10.3.x-dev taxonomy.module 6 2 weeks 6 days 1 month 1 week
Image missing alternative text can be inserted without error Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev media system 2 2 weeks 6 days 4 weeks 13 hours
Table layout breaks with long strings and content Active Normal Bug report 10.2.x-dev Claro theme 7 2 weeks 6 days 2 weeks 6 days
Views hardcodes exposed filter block form ID's which breaks AJAX when the same form is shown multiple times on one page Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev views.module 124 2 weeks 6 days 6 years 9 months
Config validation: config entities should get the same validation errors when validated as plain config vs ConfigEntityAdapter Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev configuration system 23 3 weeks 41 min Wim Leers 1 month 2 weeks
Filter plugin uninstall validator is misleading, does not give next step Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev filter.module 5 3 weeks 2 hours 3 weeks 3 hours
Contents of Name field replaced by default value (i.e filename) Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev media system 66 3 weeks 4 hours 3 years 9 months
The same form twice on one page with different arguments may process the wrong form when submitted Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev forms system 41 3 weeks 5 hours 7 years 6 months
Adding t() function in UiHelperTrait::drupalLogin() Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev phpunit 24 3 weeks 10 hours 2 years 9 months
Error calling a view with non-numeric argument, e.g. "Content: ID" Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev views.module 54 3 weeks 11 hours 1 year 1 week
link() function obscures getOption() results Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev theme system 20 3 weeks 12 hours 8 years 4 months
Latest revision views filter causes 'Base table or view not found' Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev views.module 9 3 weeks 12 hours 2 years 5 days


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