Displaying 151 - 200 of 528
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Implement the method to add multiple attributes in the thirdPartySettings Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 1 week 2 years 3 weeks
Add the buttons to add and remove attributes dynamically in the attributes textfields Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 1 week 2 years 3 weeks
Update textarea with key-pipe-value to use dynamic field on attributes Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 1 week 2 years 3 weeks
Form validation with special chars isn't working for the attributes Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 1 week 2 years 3 weeks
Implement a way to show the instructions about how to increase / decrease items per block only when the maximum items is reached Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 1 week 2 years 3 weeks
Add a help text about the quantity of block classes dynamic bellow the last item populated Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 1 week 2 years 3 weeks
Replace the old settings to allow only letters to the new one to allow special chars in the validate logic Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 6 2 years 1 week 2 years 3 weeks
Implement a Modal to open all the used items in the settings page, using data-dialog-type="modal" Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev User interface 5 2 years 1 week 2 years 3 weeks
Add a link to go to the used class items in the block settings Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 6 2 years 1 week 2 years 3 weeks
Remove all occurrences of allow only text settings that was deprecated Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 1 week 2 years 3 weeks
Create a hook update to set the new settings to enable special chars with true by default and disable that on new instalations Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 1 week 2 years 3 weeks
Create the new field enable special chars in the global settings page Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 1 week 2 years 3 weeks
After the validation on special char explain that is possible to modify that in the settings page Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 1 week 2 years 3 weeks
Update Block::load to use Dependency Injection with entityType interface instead Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 4 weeks
Define the class list as a route used classes in the menu tab Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 4 weeks
Use only one generic controller instead of specific controllers Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 4 weeks
Implement the configFactory and currentUser with dependency injection instead of Drupal::config Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 2.0.x-dev Code 6 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 4 weeks
Insert pagination only when is really necessary Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 4 weeks
Replace super global $_GET to request stack service Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 4 weeks
Isolate a method to validate the dynamic items instead of doing all inside of formValidation method Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Plan for Block Class 2.0.0-beta7 Closed (fixed) Normal Plan 2.0.x-dev Miscellaneous 3 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Create a hook update to set the items per page to 50 by default on sites that is updating to the new version and config/install with the settings to new installs Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Update the pagination of block list to use the items per page that was configured in the global settings page Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Implement a configuration item to set the items per page in the global admin settings page and to be used in the pagination of block list Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 6 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Implement an page to show all classes used in the project to be used in a Modal list to give feedback about which ones can be used Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Fix the Drupal Coding Standards Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Update the readme with the new settings in the global settings page and with the multiple items field Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Implement pagination inside of block classes list to avoid a lot of items in the same page Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Create a validation to full stop in the beginning of class to avoid duplicated items in the JS Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Implement a validation to set errors when that is special chars on multiple classes when the settings to allow only letters, numbers, hyphen and underlines Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Settings for quantity of classes appearing wrongly when field type is different of multiple class fields Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Define the settings quantity of classes per block by default in new installs and retro-compatible with sites that already have installed and updated Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Multiple class field cutting class if the limit of classes is lower than the current number of classes configured in the block Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 2.0.x-dev Code 7 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Add the logic to remove the add more button when the maximum is reached Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Create a help text for the multiple field explaining about the quantity classes per block in the settings page Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 6 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Implement the limitation of maximum classes per block in the block settings according to the settings field configured in the CMS Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Create an admin settings to configure the number of classes per block Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Add a logic to prevent the last item to be deleted disabling the removal button Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Implement the support for bulk operations with multiple fields Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Add a validation to don't accept duplicated classes Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Create a settings to enable / disable the auto-complete class Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Adjust all fields with the new structure of the new fieldgroup Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Enable multiple class textfield by default Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Enable auto-complete with existent classes Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Add field group for class and attributes Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Add a backend validation to block spaces in the multiple fields Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Add a logic to avoid delete the field if there is only one in the block multiple field Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 6 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Implement the default value on edit page when the block is loaded Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Implement a validation and unbind to avoid spaces in the multifields of block class Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
Add formSubmit to save multiple field as class in the ThirdPartySettings Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 5 2 years 2 weeks 2 years 1 month


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