Displaying 151 - 200 of 21092
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Try to use either Transfer-Encoding: chunked or a real streamed response for BigPipeResponse Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev big_pipe.module 18 1 day 1 hour 1 year 11 months
Drupal Usability Meeting 2024-04-26 Active Normal Task 11.x-dev meetings 2 1 day 1 hour 6 days 16 hours
obsolete docs in hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter() Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev documentation 2 1 day 1 hour 2 months 1 week
Trying to repair broken entity reference fields via update.php causes a crash Needs review Major Bug report 11.x-dev base system 11 1 day 1 hour 1 week 2 days
Show machine name in "manage form display" and "manage display" table row Needs review Normal Feature request 11.x-dev field_ui.module 26 1 day 1 hour 1 year 7 months
allow granular overriding of sql_mode options Needs review Normal Feature request 11.x-dev database system 53 1 day 1 hour 6 years 3 months
Optimize AssetResolver caching Needs review Normal Task 11.x-dev asset library system 7 1 day 1 hour 1 day 8 hours
Username enumeration via password reset Active Major Bug report 11.x-dev user system 4 1 day 1 hour 1 week 3 days
<textarea>s using Text Editor always fail HTML5 validation when "required" is added via #states Needs review Normal Bug report 11.x-dev editor.module 22 1 day 1 hour 7 years 11 months
Dispatch new events while importing data Needs work Normal Feature request 11.x-dev migration system 40 1 day 1 hour 7 years 10 months
Add validation constraints to user.settings Needs work Normal Task 10.3.x-dev user.module 26 1 day 1 hour 1 month 4 hours
Form element error state not visible on Windows high contrast Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev Claro theme 18 1 day 1 hour 4 years 1 week
Clean up locale CSS in line with our CSS standards Reviewed & tested by the community Normal Task 11.x-dev locale.module 84 1 day 1 hour 8 years 11 months
Add validation constraints to core.menu.schema.yml Needs work Normal Task 10.3.x-dev configuration system 10 1 day 1 hour 1 week 1 day
Deleting entities takes very long Active Normal Support request 10.0.x-dev entity system 2 1 day 1 hour 1 day 3 hours
[ignore] Test dev images Active Normal Task 7.x-dev phpunit 2 1 day 1 hour 1 day 1 hour
Notice: Array to string conversion in module_hook() Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev extension system 5 1 day 1 hour 6 years 4 months
[ignore] Test dev images Active Normal Task 11.x-dev phpunit 2 1 day 1 hour 1 day 1 hour
drupal_set_title() does not work Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev other 8 1 day 2 hours 10 years 9 months
CKEditor 5 toolbar configuration not show buttons in Spanish installation due to broken HTML in translation Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev language system 28 1 day 2 hours 8 months 1 week
[11.x] [Meta] Tasks to remove Book Active Normal Task 11.x-dev book.module 9 1 day 2 hours 9 months 1 week
Provide a non-translatable alternative to "text" and "text_format" schema types Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev configuration system 3 1 day 2 hours 1 day 3 hours
Link Autocomplete content type filter Needs review Normal Feature request 11.x-dev link.module 60 1 day 2 hours 6 years 10 months
Allowed type text is duplicated in the back end of image field Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev image system 15 1 day 3 hours 3 months 4 weeks
Convert Olivero's teaser into a single directory component Fixed Normal Task 10.3.x-dev Olivero theme 26 1 day 3 hours 10 months 3 weeks
Deprecation in Html::cleanCssIdentifier() Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev base system 8 1 day 3 hours 2 days 6 hours
Refactor (if feasible) use of jquery parseHTML function to use vanillaJS Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev javascript 36 1 day 3 hours 2 years 7 months
Allow forms to set custom validation error messages on required fields Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev forms system 251 1 day 3 hours 14 years 1 month
Remaining Open Form API related Accessibility Issues Active Normal Plan 11.x-dev forms system 25 1 day 3 hours 10 years 2 months
Fix 'Drupal.Commenting.InlineComment.NotCapital' coding standard Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev other 55 1 day 3 hours 7 years 11 months
[upstream] [Style] Allow CKEditor 5 to *create* a <h2 class="something"> directly (instead of first <h2>, then adding a class) Postponed Major Feature request 11.x-dev ckeditor5.module 25 1 day 3 hours lauriii 11 months 1 week
Should "iFrame domain" also set "X-Frame-Options" header Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev media system 20 1 day 3 hours 4 years 8 months
Add ability to insert Media inline in CKEditor widget Needs work Normal Feature request 11.x-dev media system 83 1 day 3 hours 3 years 7 months
Fix Claro styles for exposed views filters wrapped in fieldsets Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev Claro theme 46 1 day 3 hours 3 years 11 months
Add CronSubscriberInterface so that services can execute cron tasks directly Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev base system 59 1 day 3 hours 8 months 3 days
Ajax POST forms without destination throw BrokenPostRequestException Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev ajax system 4 1 day 3 hours 1 day 5 hours
Leaving preview confirmation not working if clicked link contains markup Active Normal Bug report 10.2.x-dev node system 3 1 day 3 hours 1 day 4 hours
Add setting to move comment form after comments Needs work Normal Feature request 11.x-dev Olivero theme 28 1 day 3 hours 2 weeks 1 day
Sticky table header does not work if a table placed in a closed 'details' element Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev javascript 8 1 day 4 hours 4 months 2 weeks
Layout builder does not protect against recursion Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev layout_builder.module 101 1 day 4 hours 5 years 10 months
Empty table cells never hidden if twig debug is true Needs work Normal Feature request 11.x-dev views.module 45 1 day 4 hours 6 years 1 month
Remove orphan components in EntityDisplay* config entity on save? Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev entity system 20 1 day 4 hours 6 years 8 months
Refactor (if feasible) uses of the jQuery sizzle to use vanillaJS Needs work Major Task 11.x-dev javascript 27 1 day 4 hours 2 years 7 months
Deprecation in Number::alphadecimalToInt() Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev base system 2 1 day 5 hours 2 days 7 hours
Share D10 dynamic cache among users with different roles Active Normal Support request 10.3.x-dev cache system 4 1 day 5 hours 3 days 51 min
Warning: Undefined array key 1 Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Bug report 9.5.x-dev content_moderation.module 3 1 day 5 hours 1 day 7 hours
Improve JSON:API test failure messages to include errors when data is expected Reviewed & tested by the community Normal Feature request 10.3.x-dev jsonapi.module 29 1 day 6 hours 1 week 3 days
Label token replacement for views entity reference arguments not working Reviewed & tested by the community Major Bug report 11.x-dev views.module 187 1 day 6 hours 8 years 4 months
Focus states on mobile second level navigation items can get cut off in Olivero Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev Olivero theme 48 1 day 6 hours chetansonawane 3 years 3 months
[meta] Fix PHP coding standards in core Active Normal Plan 11.x-dev other 143 1 day 6 hours 8 years 7 months


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