Displaying 15201 - 15250 of 21091
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
comment_node_update_index() includes login or delete and edit operations Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev comment.module 30 6 years 3 months 8 years 8 months
Node revisions: Have an option to delete attached files even when revisions are enabled for a node Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev node system 22 6 years 3 months 11 years 6 months
Verify Drupal doesn't break with negative DST values Active Normal Task 11.x-dev datetime.module 11 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
Select list #ajax not able to get selected value in form alter Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev ajax system 6 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
Make image formatters register themselves to be used anywhere Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev image system 11 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
Disallow machine names to start with numbers Active Normal Task 11.x-dev forms system 17 6 years 3 months 11 years 6 months
Determine how to handle empty values for entity IDs Active Normal Task 11.x-dev configuration entity system 20 6 years 3 months 11 years 6 months
Add an option to pass through caching for instances implementing CacheableDependencyInterface Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev cache system 23 6 years 3 months 6 years 11 months
Log calls to cache_clear_all Needs work Normal Feature request 7.x-dev cache system 5 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
[D7] Parsing a URL with another URL in the query arguments throws undefined offset notice Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev base system 3 6 years 3 months 6 years 7 months
Locale can't get js files in custom blocks for translation Active Minor Bug report 7.x-dev locale.module 3 6 years 3 months tpzurdo 6 years 3 months
Allow comment tokens to access properties of the entity for which the comment was posted Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev comment.module 12 6 years 3 months 6 years 7 months
Allow DisplayPluginInterface::access() to return an AccessResultInterface object with cacheability metadata Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev views.module 37 6 years 3 months 8 years 8 months
Use something other than a single underscore for hook namespacing Needs work Minor Task 11.x-dev base system 199 6 years 3 months 14 years 8 months
Use multiple get for #pre_render / #cache where possible Active Major Task 11.x-dev cache system 27 6 years 3 months 9 years 1 month
Non 'en' default language causes default built-in string displayed instead of the translated one Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev bootstrap system 2 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
Allow sites.php to use a callback instead of an array. Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev bootstrap system 11 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
[D7] Remove dead code: progress.upload_callback, progress.error_callback Active Normal Task 7.x-dev ajax system 1 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
Support deriving fields from entity definitions with multiple bundles Active Major Task 11.x-dev typed data system 24 6 years 3 months 10 years 3 months
Minimal profile disallows modal AJAX tests under JavascriptTestBase Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev phpunit 24 6 years 3 months 7 years 4 months
Review use of pressButton() in functional javascript tests in the Media module Needs work Major Task 11.x-dev media system 15 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
Table Drag always showing lines Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev javascript 17 6 years 3 months 6 years 7 months
ValidReferenceConstraint has a vague null error message. It should be more specific. Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev forms system 13 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
ConfigEntityListBuilder should check also for route access when adding operations Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev entity system 10 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
When there's non-zero latency, saving the Settings Tray causes the plain Toolbar to be visible first Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev settings_tray.module 17 6 years 3 months 6 years 9 months
Block as Content Export Active Minor Feature request 11.x-dev block_content.module 13 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
Make Settings Tray candidates and actively edited items more visually obvious Needs work Major Task 11.x-dev settings_tray.module 62 6 years 3 months 7 years 6 months
Allow embedding the comment form via the replacement patterns Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev views.module 11 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
Allow access to CEB::$validated from outside of the entity Needs work Normal Feature request 11.x-dev entity system 33 6 years 3 months 6 years 10 months
Fields with FAPI errors shouldn't be validated Active Normal Task 11.x-dev field system 14 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
session fixation Active Major Bug report 7.x-dev other 2 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
[meta] Changes to the ajax throbber Active Normal Task 11.x-dev ajax system 19 6 years 3 months 10 years 1 month
Refactor SchemaTest::testSchema() to make it more granular Active Normal Task 11.x-dev database system 12 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
[PP-1] Improve field description texts for fields provided by core Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev user interface text 26 6 years 3 months 6 years 4 months
Provide a method for module to specify that their toolbar items should appear in Edit mode Needs work Normal Feature request 11.x-dev settings_tray.module 30 6 years 3 months 7 years 8 months
Settings form for pseudofields Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev field system 15 6 years 3 months 6 years 11 months
No Active Batch when I try to update a module Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev other 1 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
Field mappings are not very useful when adding a media type because you can't map them to fields that don't exist yet Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev media system 13 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
Give default comment fields a heavier weight so they are at the bottom and new fields don't get "lost" Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev comment.module 12 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
Not working with remote MySQL database with require_secure_transport=ON Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev database system 5 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
Admin Interface Enhancement For increased ease of use Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev base system 14 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
Show field type descriptions when creating a new field Postponed Normal Feature request 11.x-dev field_ui.module 26 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
Problem restricting access to public/private files in Apache config, per SA-CORE-2013-003 ? Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev base system 2 6 years 3 months 10 years 2 months
[PP-1] Improve the descriptions of FIle, Image, and Media entity reference fields Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev media system 13 6 years 3 months 6 years 3 months
Change the machine name/title of the sidebar regions to something more semantic Active Normal Task 11.x-dev markup 38 6 years 3 months 10 years 7 months
Move classes from render elements to templates Active Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 20 6 years 3 months 8 years 3 months
User picture improvements in node template Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev markup 41 6 years 3 months 10 years 5 days
Deploying Twig template changes is too expensive: it requires all caches to be completely invalidated, as well as all reverse proxies Active Normal Task 11.x-dev base system 30 6 years 3 months 6 years 10 months
Datetime Range fields should provide a template Active Normal Task 11.x-dev datetime.module 15 6 years 3 months 6 years 11 months
Allow page templates for content types / bundles Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev theme system 18 6 years 3 months 7 years 2 weeks


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