Displaying 14851 - 14900 of 21201
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
If a custom beforeSubmit() or beforeSend() function on a Drupal.ajax object returns false, 'ajaxing' gets stuck as true Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev ajax system 61 5 years 9 months 11 years 2 months
$_GET['q'] not in UTF-8 leading to warning on 404 - htmlspecialchars(): Invalid multibyte sequence in argument in check_plain() Needs review Normal Bug report 7.x-dev base system 53 5 years 9 months 11 years 7 months
Logic that redirects to /latest on saving a new draft doesn't check for necessary permission Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev content_moderation.module 13 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
getCountNewComments not working as expected, it is including user's own comment Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev comment.module 9 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
Twig translation should automatically stringify parameters Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev theme system 10 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
Drupal Upgrade UI should validate the entire migration, not the source and destination individually Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev migration system 18 5 years 9 months 8 years 1 month
"This filter doesn't work for very special field handlers." help text is confusing Active Minor Task 11.x-dev views_ui.module 13 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
Update empty (non-table) text so it's consistent and conforms to UI standards Active Normal Task 11.x-dev user interface text 11 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
Find out what can be reused from the Search API Ecosystem Demo based upon Umami Active Normal Task 11.x-dev Umami demo 12 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
Installation profiles do not support project:module format for dependencies (backport to D7) Needs review Normal Bug report 7.x-dev install system 10 5 years 9 months 6 years 7 months
Drupal 7 - Show a confirmation form to change modification date before node is saved Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev node system 3 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
The sort of install profiles is interesting Active Normal Task 11.x-dev install system 17 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
Parameters on node not passed when adding a comment Needs review Normal Feature request 7.x-dev comment.module 3 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
Layout Builder should use the toolbar modes system once it exists. Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev layout_builder.module 17 5 years 9 months 6 years 3 months
Provide reminders during installation & administration about compliance requirements Active Normal Task 11.x-dev user interface text 13 5 years 9 months 5 years 11 months
Add --repeat and --die-on-fail to run-tests.sh to make random test failure diagnosis easier Needs review Normal Task 7.x-dev simpletest.module 25 5 years 9 months pietmarcus 11 years 5 months
UserAccessControlHandler should use allowedIf Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev user.module 14 5 years 9 months 6 years 2 months
Revert the removal of the entity save dropbutton in Drupal 8.4.0 Active Normal Task 11.x-dev node system 28 5 years 9 months 6 years 6 months
Add login details to default site maintenance message. Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev user interface text 19 5 years 9 months 15 years 4 months
Restore AjaxFormPageCacheTest cache hit test coverage Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev ajax system 18 5 years 9 months 6 years 2 months
Create UI text standards Active Normal Plan 11.x-dev user interface text 12 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
KeyValue $conf overrides should not be services Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev base system 17 5 years 9 months 11 years 1 month
Invalid Configuration when using a layout supplied by a theme Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev field_layout.module 8 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
Investigate if a more robust way of detecting media source field changes is necessary Active Normal Task 11.x-dev media system 11 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
Extend the "bundle" Views filter plugin to be contextually aware of allowed bundles Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev views.module 11 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
https://www.mysite.com/mynode/qwerqwe/qwerqwer should return 404 and it is NOT. Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev routing system 2 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
Unpublished/draft nodes with taxonomy tags widget create published taxonomy terms Postponed Normal Bug report 11.x-dev taxonomy.module 14 5 years 9 months 6 years 8 months
UI configurable ajax router (with sub-routes) for SPA. Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev ajax system 23 5 years 9 months 5 years 11 months
Add field type checking to EntityHasField constraint Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev base system 12 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
Allow DrupalDefaultEntityController::cacheGet() to return all cached entities Needs review Normal Bug report 7.x-dev entity system 22 5 years 9 months 12 years 7 months
Add a helper to alter process plugins Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev migration system 13 5 years 9 months 5 years 10 months
Change entity field tables to use the entity's base field names for the ID, revision, and type columns Active Major Task 11.x-dev field system 11 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
[meta] improve DX & documentation for entity type characteristics Active Normal Task 11.x-dev entity system 13 5 years 9 months joachim 5 years 10 months
Getting Entity storage exception on saving multiple custom content entities Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev entity system 16 5 years 9 months 5 years 10 months
Drupal View of user entity having no content fields Active Major Task 7.x-dev views.module 4 5 years 9 months KDDhiman 5 years 9 months
Ensure nightwatch tests exercise all apis at least once Active Normal Task 11.x-dev javascript 13 5 years 9 months GrandmaGlassesRopeMan 5 years 10 months
Classes used as fluent interfaces should have the correct PHPDoc Active Minor Task 11.x-dev documentation 11 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
Provide an ajax.dialog check to load if required supporting modal functionality with ease Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev ajax system 17 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
Provide default getFormId() Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev forms system 26 5 years 9 months 9 years 11 months
update.php 404 Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev update.module 3 5 years 9 months 5 years 10 months
'Remove Selected' button in Files section should be disabled if nothing is selected. Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev forms system 12 5 years 9 months 5 years 9 months
Add a button to reinstall Umami demo Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev Umami demo 20 5 years 9 months 5 years 11 months
Expand the JS test coverage using nightwatch Active Normal Plan 11.x-dev javascript 17 5 years 9 months 5 years 11 months
HTTP error 0 on ajax calls in Chrome Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev ajax system 22 5 years 9 months guddomeNt 13 years 5 months
Login block not shown on user/register Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev user.module 7 5 years 10 months 5 years 11 months
facing Undefined offset: 148 in taxonomy_field_validate() when creating new product Needs work Major Bug report 7.x-dev taxonomy.module 4 5 years 10 months 5 years 10 months
Garbage collection for cache tag invalidations Needs work Major Task 11.x-dev cache system 23 5 years 10 months 9 years 12 months
An AJAX HTTP request terminated abnormally when remove the image Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev ajax system 3 5 years 10 months alexbl 6 years 7 months
Views with exposed Content Type Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev views.module 8 5 years 10 months 5 years 10 months
Cannot generate input type button Needs work Normal Feature request 11.x-dev forms system 15 5 years 10 months 5 years 10 months


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