This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module adds services to your website.
The best part about is they provide a very fast/cheap service. Their FREE service allows 10 million API requests per month.

These services include:

  • IronCache - Easy way to store key/value information in the Cloud. Keep information in sync between all your endpoints (website, apps, etc)
  • IronMQ - Easily send and receive messages from a queue in the cloud.
  • ??? IronWorker - Need some ideas on how this could be used with Drupal.

This module simply loads up the IronIO PHP classes and abstracts them for Drupal access.

// Add/get/remove cache values.
ironio_cache_put("some_key", "some_value");
$value = ironio_cache_get("some_key");

// Set item to expire in 30 seconds.
ironio_cache_put("new_key", "some_value", $replace = TRUE, $expire = 30);

// Increment a value in the cache by 10.
ironio_cache_increment("int_key", 10);

// Add a message to the queue.
ironio_queue_add("queue_name", "message");

// Get the last 10 messages.
$messages = ironio_queue_get('queue_name', $count = 10);
foreach ($messages as $m) {
  // Delete these messages, I don't like them.
  ironio_queue_delete('queue_name', $m->id);

This module depends on libraries to load the IronIO classes (there are 3 of them).

You will have to download the necessary IronIO class files and put them into the appropriate libraries folders:

* This is an unofficial module

Supporting organizations: 
Supporting the maintenance of the module.

Project information
