input_formats 6.x-1.0-beta5

Bug fixes

This release is just a bugfix of beta-4.

- #887900: Input formats cannot be overridden.

input_formats 6.x-1.0-beta4

Bug fixes

- Changed weight in system table for hook_form_alter order. Requires run update.php
- #876770: Default format cannot be saved. (Again, now works)
- #885632: Don't export variables with default values.
- #881056 by pcambra: Call by parameter deprecated.

input_formats 6.x-1.0-beta3

Bug fixes

#871166 by halcyonCorsair: Make input formats work properly in PostgreSQL.
#876770: Default format cannot be saved.
Avoid false positive broken input formats.
Allow other modules to define custom variables. See #878032: Integrate with input formats module for more information.

input_formats 6.x-1.0-beta2

New features
Bug fixes

- Input formats was completly rewritten to load input formats really from code.
- #866966: moved Input Formats to User Interface package to be close of Wysiwyg module.
- #859754, #852810, #845920, #867168, #825064 are desestimated due they don't apply with this new approach.
- Features export now depends of ctools, exportables and strongarm API. CTools 1.7 or greather is needed.

Run update.php is required.

A few notes about this release. Prior beta-2, input formats wasn't loading input formats settings from code. Instead of that, every time a new input formats was installed from a feature or a module, its content was copied into the database.

This is not how objects from code should work.

Beta 2 works in a different way. Using Strongarm variables that filters needs to work are provided dynamically. Also, Ctools 1.7 provide new options to join tables. Taking advantage of this new features, input formats 6.x-1.0-beta2 rely on Ctools, Strongarm and Exportables 2 to work with input formats from code.

input_formats 6.x-1.0-beta1

Bug fixes

- #829374: Import fails when input formats are defined multiple times in different modules.
- #829224: Wysiwyg imports are not processed by input_formats.
- #824200: Display revert instead of delete in the UI when input formats are loaded from code.
- #828034: Roles are not corrected assigned to input formats.

input_formats 6.x-1.0-alpha2

New features
Bug fixes

- Fixed several issues related to cache, and overrides
- #819858: Implement revert capabilities.
- #820956: Preserve previous defined machine names each time input formats module is enabled.
- #819860: Provide a new permission to import input formats.

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