If you have field collection with inline entity reference forms set up and you click Remove on a field collection item you get the wrong items referenced.

Foe example if I have a field collection that has a text field "Title" and a entity reference "Ref" and I have the following content:

Title: title1
Ref: node1

Title: title2
Ref: node2

Title: title3
Ref: node3

If I click Remove on the field collection item to remove FC2 from the middle I get the following result

Title: title1
Ref: node1

Title: title3
Ref: node2

As you can see FC3 became the second item, but inherited the reference from FC2 and lost it's original one.

This is not an issue with the Field Collection module since other widget for this field type work correctly.


skein created an issue.

Robert Castelo’s picture

This is a symptom of a larger issue between IEF and Filed Collections.

Patch here may fix the problem for you: