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Belgian INAMI (Institut national d'assurance maladie-invalidité) / RIZIV (Rijksinstituut voor ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering) number validator.

  • The full INAMI / RIZIV number is composed of two parts (8 + 3 digits).
  • The first number from the first part stands for the profession (e.g. 1 = Doctor, 2 = Pharmacist, 3 = Dentist, 4 = Nurse, 5 = Physiotherapist, 6 = Optician/Audition/..., 7 = Cognitive-behavioral therapist/...).
  • The three numbers from the second part stands for the qualification (e.g. 730 = cardiology). List of qualifications. The qualification is (obviously) dependent from the first number.

This module does *not* check the existence of the number via a web service.

Validation rules can be defined from configuration, based on the nomenclature.

  • The default validation checks if the first part is an integer of 8 digits.
  • Optional validation can be applied on the Profession and Qualification (e.g. limit the user registration to some Professions and/or Qualifications). Profession and Qualification are exposed as entity reference from two taxonomy vocabularies.
  • If a Profession is defined, it validates the first number from the first part.

A possible use case is to limit user registration based on validation rules.

Project information
