The documentation seems to be an wiki which is a year out of date. Can the status of this module be clarified?

is it Beta? is it production ready? does it work? does it have any documentation? what does it do?

It shouldnt be this hard.


redmonp’s picture

The documentation is contained in the module download itself, in the docs folder. It took me a while to find it too! There is also considerable documentation within the module itself.

The module's managment has been taken over from the original author. I think the module's status is Beta. Some people have it working, some don't.

The documentation follows something similar to older Drupal docs, which was programmer to programmer. It would be great to have some laymans walkthrough. I'd like to work on this in the future when I have time.

ray007’s picture

There is some documentation in the docs folder, but it's not enough to extend the module without working yourself through the whole code.
I have started to add support for the location-module, and so far I've come to the conclusion I need to add a file definitions/contrib/ and define 2 hooks location_def() and location_node_def_alter() there. But so far I haven't managed to find out what all the properties for the fields I should return from those 2 hooks mean. And neither am I sure defining those 2 hooks is all I have to do ...
To make things more interesting, the field 'eid' in the location table can reference either the 'uid' in the 'user' table or the 'nid' in the 'node' table ;-)

I'd really appreciate some hints on how to proceed there.

And if contributions from users for other modules are wanted, we should maybe prioritize this as 'critical'?

Anonymous’s picture

Title: Documentation » Module Status
Version: 5.x-1.x-dev » 6.x-1.x-dev
Category: feature » task